2022/12/11 Mr. Tasaka
About "How to catch VCs at events"
In short, it is a method of distributing grants to "Gal/Yankee who can do meta-cognition" in order to distribute funds more widely to projects that are "supported by a wider community".
"Matching donations" are widely used, but they are being improved.
What is a matching donation?
A matching donation is a donation in which a certain percentage of the donated amount is added by companies that support Yahoo! JAPAN or organizations. The matching ratio and the upper limit of the matching amount vary depending on each fundraising campaign, but by donating, the amount of the donation to the organization is doubled or tripled, etc.
Originally based on "Quadratic Voting".
This is detailed in the book "Radical Markets" and elsewhere.
You can experience "WTF is Quadratic Funding?"
In the real world, there is a collaboration between Gitcoin and UNICEF using Quadratic Funding.
In the world of cryptocurrency, Gitcoin has a track record of distributing about $70 million to OSS using this method.
There are also other technical developments such as "clr.fund".
There is a protocol called "MACI" underneath it.
"A Flexible Design for Funding Public Goods"
A paper on funding public goods.
In the efforts of Denver and Gitcoin, the "DowntownStimulus" project was launched to distribute grants using Quadratic Funding to help restaurants affected by COVID-19 in Boulder, Colorado. "Practical smart contract development with Solidity and Ethereum" is called a "coordination platform".