Things he did
He did everything: sculpture, painting, architecture, and poetry
His sculptures include David Is he an architect or too full-stack? tkgshn.icon*3
One of Michelangelo's biographies by Giorgio Vasari says that he transcends all past and present artists and is "the best in all three arts, not just one." It's cool. tkgshn.icon*3
In 1488, at the age of 13, Michelangelo became a disciple of Ghirlandaio.
From 1490 to 1492, Michelangelo studied at the Neoplatonic Humanist Academy established by the Medici family. There, he was influenced by many famous philosophers and writers of the time, such as Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, and Poliziano.
He created a polychrome wooden crucifix sculpture (1493). Also, around this time, Michelangelo began anatomical studies using corpses in a church hospital.
Strong. He was only 28 years old.