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Tatsuro Kiuchi was born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1966. A biology major and graduate of International Christian University in Tokyo, he switched to an art career after graduating with distinction from ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California. Tatsuro began illustrating children’s books with several publishers in the US and Japan, eventually branching into editorial work for magazines, book jacket illustrations, and advertising commissions. Tatsuro’s first picture book, The Lotus Seed (text by Sherry Garland / Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), has sold more than 200,000 copies worldwide. He has also been commissioned by such clients as Royal Mail to design their Christmas Stamp Collection in 2006 and Starbucks for their Worldwide Holiday Promotion “Pass the Cheer” in 2007. He contributed a serial comic strip titled THE EARTHLING, which appeared regularly in a quarterly magazine. Tatsuro is the studio owner of PEN STILL WRITES and a member of the TOKYO ILLUSTRATORS SOCIETY. He teaches illustration at AOYAMAJUKU. Tatsuro excels at conveying a sense of atmosphere and ideas in a visible form. He provides highly finished illustrations on a wide range of subjects while maintaining his unique worldview. He is a Shiba Inu LOVER.
Communication Arts feature article
1991 BFA in Illustration with distinction, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA,USA
1998 BA in Liberal Arts, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan
Solo Exhibitions
2024 Fast Travel, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2019 Tatsuro Kiuchi, VOID Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2018 White and Bear, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2018 Living Express Karl, Aoyama Book Center Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2015 Tatsuro Kiuchi, Santander, Spain
2008 An Electric Mouse and Mongoose Brushes, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2005 Nururingyo, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Dogs Love People, Gallery Grey, Tokyo, Japan
Selected Group Exhibitions
2018 Illustration Wave, Gallery3331, Tokyo, Japan
2018 The ART of Illustration, Giertz Gallery, Champaign, IL, USA
2017 Beautiful Words, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2016 World Design Capital 2016 Visual Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Cat Power, L’illustre Galerie LE MONDE, Toyo, Japan
2015 Good Luck Charms, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2014 Biennial of Illustration Bratislava, Bratislava, Italy
2012 TOWNIES, The New York Times Gallery 7, New York, NY, USA
2010 Earth: Fragile Planet, The Museum of American Illustration, New York, NY, USA
2007 Misako’s Bombed Piano, Kurohime Museum, Nagano, Japan
2006 Ever After, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2005 Three-person show, Gallery EF, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Dialogue: Fine Art of Conversation, San Diego, CA, USA
2004 Once Upon a Time, Gallery House Maya, Tokyo, Japan
2003 The Artworks Exhibition, London, UK
1995 Kenji Miyazawa Original Art Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
1994 Bologna International Children’s Book Art Exhibition, Bologna, Italy
Awards and Recognition
New York ADC Bronze Cube 2020
ADFEST Press Lotus Bronze prize 2019
Communication Arts Illustration Annual : 35, 36, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
American Illustration : 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
Society of Illustrators : 42, 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65
Gold Medal, Society of Illustrators 53, 56, 57, 62, 62, 65
Silver Medal, Society of Illustrators 52, 56, 60
The Association of Illustrators Images
Design Week Award
Biennial of Illustration Bratislava 2014
Kodansha Publishing Award for Illustraion 2005
Bronze Award, Tokyo Illustrators Society 2001
New York ADC 79, 99, 100
Bologna Children’s Book Fair 1994
Society of Illustrators The Original Art 1993
Bronze Medal, Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles 1991
Spectrum Fantastic Art 27
The Society of Publication Designers 55
Kurohime Museum, Nagano Japan
Mazza Museum, University of Findlay, Findlay, OH
2008 - now Illustration instructor, Illustration Aoyamajuku, Tokyo Japan
The New York Times | The New Yorker | The Folio Society | Washington Post | The Guardian | Bloomberg Businessweek | The Walrus | The Boston Globe | Fortune Magazine | Travel & Leisure | Golf Digest | Farrar Straus & Giroux | Putnam | Penguin Random House | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | Simon & Schuster | United Airlines | The Royal Mail | Starbucks | FIFA | Airbnb | Apple | Google | Pixar | Hyundai | National Geographic | Walt Disney
NHK | Asahi Shinbun | Mainichi Shinbun | Yomiuri Shinbun | Bunshun | Kodansha | Shinchosha | Shueisha | Kadokawa | Shogakukan | Kumon | Suntory | Mos Burger | Recruit | Narita Airport | Japan Railway | Japan Airlines | All Nippon Airways | Mitsukoshi | Tokyu | Sony | Panasonic | Toyota | Uniqlo
THE LOTUS SEED | written by Sherry Garland | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, U.S.A. | 1993
THE SEASONS AND SOMEONE | written by Virginia L. Kroll | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, U.S.A. | 1994
TSUBU the Little Snail | written by Carol Ann Williams | Simon & Schuster, U.S.A. | 1995
MYSTERIOUS TALES OF JAPAN | written by Rafe Martin | Putnam, U.S.A. | 1996
THE FOX MAIDEN | written by Elsa Marston | Simon & Schuster, U.S.A. | 1996
The Eagle’s Gift | written by Rafe Martin | Putnam, U.S.A. | 1997
The Fur of the Glacial Mouse | written by Kenji Miyazawa | Kaiseisha, Japan | 2008
There it begins | written by Masashi Hachuda | Gakken, Japan | 2001
The Origin of the Crab Mound | written by Kaho Nashiki | Rironsha, Japan | 2003
Dogs Love People. | written by Kengo Ishiguro | Gakken, Japan | 2003
Thinking of Love | written by Naoko Higashi | poplar, Japan | 2004
Happy Birthday Coco | oneones | Kane / Miller, U.S.A. | 2005
How could you? | written by Kengo Ishiguro | Aspect, Japan | 2006
I love this country | written by Minoru Kamata | MAGAZINEHOUSE, Japan | 2006
Misako’s Bombed Piano | written by Miyoko Matsutani | Kodansha, Japan | 2007
Let’s go out for a ride | written and illustrated by Tatsuro Kiuchi | Fukuinkan, Japan | 2015
Ame Po Po Po | written by Naoko Higashi | Kumon Publishing, Japan | 2009
Howa Howa Sakura | written by Naoko Higashi | Kumon Publishing, Japan | 2010
Yuki Fu Fu Fu | written by Naoko Higashi | Kumon Publishing, Japan | 2010
PEN STILL WRITES Tatsuro Kiuchi Monochrome Works | Canon, Japan | 2010
The Red Ninja | written by Hiroshi Homura | Iwasaki Shoten, Japan | 2012
The Earthling | written and illustrated by Tatsuro Kiuchi | Shinjinbutsuouraisha, Japan | 2012
Umi Za Za Za | written by Naoko Higashi | Kumon Publishing, Japan | 2012
Sawa Sawa Momiji | written by Naoko Higashi | Kumon Publishing, Japan | 2013
Lives and behavior of sea animals | written by Katsufumi Sato | Fukuinkan, Japan | 2017
When You Love a Dog - A gift book for dog owners and dog lovers everywhere. | written by M. H. Clark | Compendium Inc, U.S.A. | 2018
Living Express Karl | written and illustrated by Tatsuro Kiuchi | Iwasaki Shoten, Japan | 2018
The Art of TATSURO KIUCHI | Tatsuro Kiuchi | Genkosha, Japan | 2019
A Paper Plane to You | written by Hiiragi Nonaka | Kaiseisha, Japan | 2020
1966年東京生まれ。国際基督教大学教養学部生物科卒業。材料が安いから君はこれにしなさいと言われ、ゴキブリを飼育して卒論を書く。生物学における理想と現実のギャップに憮然として渡米。イラストレーションの勉強を始める。アートセンター・カレッジ・オブ・デザイン、イラストレーション科卒業。二億枚刷られたというイギリス・ロイヤルメールのクリスマス切手、世界中の店舗にて展開されたスターバックス・ホリデーキャンペーン、ニューヨーク・タイムズ、ボストングローブ、ワシントンポストなどのイラストレーションを手がける。2013年にはアメリカのGolf Digest誌より依頼され、オーガスタに赴き一週間滞在して取材、帰国後イラストレーションの制作をする。2018年にはサッカー・ワールドカップ・ロシア大会にて各会場のビッグスクリーンに放映されるFIFA公式のSNSプロモーション用アニメーションを制作。他に雑誌挿絵、池井戸潤氏の半沢直樹シリーズ、下町ロケットシリーズを含む書籍装画、絵本など多数。マンガ作品に「チキュウズィン」がある。ブラティスラヴァ世界絵本原画展、ボローニャ国際絵本原画展入選。講談社出版文化賞さしえ賞受賞。ソサエティ・オブ・イラストレーターズ/金メダル・銀メダル。東京イラストレーターズ・ソサエティ会員。イラストレーション青山塾講師。ペンスチ主宰。 空気感やアイディアを見える形にしてお伝えするのを得意としています。柴犬LOVER。
THE LOTUS SEED | Sherry Garland・作 | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, U.S.A. | 1993
THE SEASONS AND SOMEONE | Virginia L. Kroll・作 | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, U.S.A. | 1994
TSUBU the Little Snail | Carol Ann Williams・作 | Simon & Schuster, U.S.A. | 1995
MYSTERIOUS TALES OF JAPAN | Rafe Martin・作 | Putnam, U.S.A. | 1996
THE FOX MAIDEN | Elsa Marston・作 | Simon & Schuster, U.S.A. | 1996
The Eagle’s Gift | Rafe Martin・作 | Putnam, U.S.A. | 1997
氷河ねずみの毛皮 | 宮沢賢治・作 | 偕成社 | 2008
そこからはじまる | 羽中田 昌・作 | 学研 | 2001
蟹塚縁起 | 梨木香歩・作 | 理論社 | 2003
犬は人が好き。 | 石黒謙吾・作 | 学研 | 2003
愛を想う | 東 直子・短歌 | ポプラ社 | 2004
ハッピーバースデイ、ココ | oneones | ポプラ社 | 2005
どうして? | 石黒謙吾・作 | アスペクト | 2006
この国が好き | 鎌田 實・作 | マガジンハウス | 2006
ミサコの被爆ピアノ | 松谷みよ子・作 | 講談社 | 2007
のっていこう | 木内達朗・作/絵 |福音館書店 | 2015
あめ ぽぽぽ | 東 直子・作 |くもん出版 | 2009
ほわ ほわさくら | 東 直子・作 |くもん出版 | 2010
ゆき ふふふ | 東 直子・作 |くもん出版 | 2010
PEN STILL WRITES Tatsuro Kiuchi Monochrome Works | キヤノン | 2010
あかにんじゃ | 穂村 弘・作/絵 | 岩崎書店 | 2012
チキュウズィン | 木内達朗・作/絵 | 新人物往来社 | 2012
うみ ざざざ | 東 直子・作 |くもん出版 | 2012
さわさわ もみじ | 東 直子・作 |くもん出版 | 2013
たくさんのふしぎ 動物たちが教えてくれる 海の中のくらしかた | 佐々木克文・作 | 福音館書店 | 2017
木内達朗作品集 TATSURO KIUCHI | 木内達朗・著 | 玄光社 | 2019
紙ひこうき、きみへ | 野中 柊・作 | 偕成社 | 2020
木内達朗画集 | 木内達朗・著 | 森雨漫 | 2021
ひみつのえんそく、きんいろのさばく | くらささら・作 | こどものとも2022年8月号 | 福音館書店 | 2022
会社名 有限会社東京目印
スタジオ 〒152-0004東京都目黒区鷹番3-6-8 3階 ペンスチ
代表取締役 木内達朗
設立 2001年10月
資本金 4,500,000円
事業内容 イラストレーション、デザイン、マンガ、キャラクター、絵画の制作、雑貨等商品の企画、製造及び販売、原稿の執筆