Once in a while, you'll find the need to generate some secrets for your users on the browser. It might seem tempting to write a one-liner like Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) and call it a day. The generated strings might seem random but are not cryptographically secure. I'm sure you are not surprised.
In most browsers, Math.random() is implemented using a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). This means that the random number is derived from an internal state, mangled by a deterministic algorithm for every new random number. It seems random to the user because the algorithm is tuned in such a way that it appears so. However, if you know the generator's internal state, you know all the future numbers generated by it.
About Math.random
As the ECMAScript specifications don't define the algorithm for a Math.random implementation, developers building browsers can choose the implementation they see fit. Ideally, the algorithm should use as little memory as possible and be quick to perform while having a significant period length.
The period length of a PRNG is the number of output bits after which the algorithm begins to repeat itself.
Most modern browsers today use the xorshift128+. (Read why Chrome V8 switched to this algorithm). It is one of the fastest non-cryptographically-secure random number generators. You can read more about the implementation of Math.random() in this article.
These algorithms, including the xorshift can be broken — here is an article about it. The internet has seen many instances where older implementations have been susceptible to simple prediction attacks, the most popular one I know from my college gaming days is from CSGOJackpot. Here's more to read on that. More such stories such as this and this tell us why using Math.random() is not a great idea. While these hacks may not be exploitable today, it does surface the weakness of PRNGs to be used in this context. A deterministic algorithm can and will be broken.
The Web Cryptography API has got you covered
In 2017, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) presented the Web Cryptography API. It provides a set of cryptographic primitives that can perform basic operations such as hashing, signature generation and verification, and encryption and decryption. Additionally, it describes an API for applications to generate and manage the keying material necessary to perform these operations. Read more on MDN.
All popular browsers provide an implementation of the Web Crypto API to JavaScript applications through the semi-global crypto object. For generating secrets, the getRandomValues method is all we need. The method is widely supported and generates cryptographically secure random numbers. It takes in a typedArray as an input and returns the same array, with its contents replaced with the newly generated random numbers.
crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(10))
Implementations don't use a truly random number generator to guarantee enough performance. Instead, they use a pseudo-random number generator seeded with a value with enough entropy. This ensures there's a good balance between performance and the quality of the randomness generated. Since the seed value is random, the output is cryptographically secure.
While the methods and primitives provided by this API are inherently secure, it's easy to use them wrong. While using it, ensure your work is reviewed thoroughly by someone knowledgeable in this subject.
Using the API to generate secrets
Step 1: Generating the seed
The seed is a Uint8 Array that is filled with random numbers using getRandomValues. Uint8Array generates an array of 8-bit unsigned integers.
generateSeed() {
return window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(256));
Step 2: Looping over the seed
We loop over the generated seed until the character length is satisfied. If we've exhausted the seed before that, the seed is generated again. We use String.fromCharCode to generate a character inside the loop. If it is valid, it is appended to the secret string returned at the end of the function.
generate(length = 32): string {
let secret = "";
let randomSeed;
while (secret.length < length) {
randomSeed = generateSeed()
for (let ii = 0; ii < randomSeed.length; ii++) {
const char = String.fromCharCode(randomSeedii); // Append the character to secret if it is valid
if (validateCharacter(char)) {
secret += char;
if (secret.length === length) {
return secret;
The generated character will always belong to the ASCII set. The validate function simply checks if it belongs to the ASCII printable characters, i.e., letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols.
Introducing Shifty
Sometimes the browser may not support the web crypto API. In such cases, developers have no other choice but to fall back on Math.random. Recently, we published a library that takes care of this in a tiny package. It's called Shifty.
expand on that
Shifty is a tiny zero-dependency secrets generator built for the web using TypeScript. Shifty is made for the browser and won't work with Node. You can use the built-in crypto module instead.
It provides a straightforward API to generate a secret of any length. To start using shifty, just install it using the package manager of your choice.
yarn add @deepsource/shifty
Using Shifty is quite straightforward. Just initialize the Shifty class with the defaults and use the generate method to generate secrets of any length. Shifty falls back to using Math.random if the crypto object is not present on window. It shows a warning on the developer console when using the fallback method.
import Shifty from '@deepsource/shifty'
const shifty = new Shifty((harden = true), (defaultLength = 16))
shifty.generate((length = 12)) // G8qZt7PEha^s
Shifty is just a single TypeScript file. You can peek into the source code here. Give it a star if you like it!
Shifty is a JavaScript library for generating cryptographically secure random numbers on the web. It is built using TypeScript and is a zero-dependency library, meaning that it does not require any external dependencies to work. Shifty is specifically designed to work in the browser and is not compatible with Node.
The library provides a simple API for generating secure secrets in the form of strings. Shifty first checks if the Web Cryptography API is available in the browser, and if it is, it uses the getRandomValues method to generate secure random numbers. If the Web Crypto API is not available, Shifty falls back to Math.random, which is not cryptographically secure but is still better than not having any random number generator at all.
To use Shifty, you can simply import it into your JavaScript file and call the generate method. You can pass the desired length of the secret as a parameter to the generate method, and it will return the secret string. The generated secret string consists of printable ASCII characters, and the library includes a validation function to check if the characters belong to the ASCII printable set.
Overall, Shifty is a small but useful library for generating secure secrets in the browser. If you're working on a web project that requires the generation of secrets, Shifty is a great choice that takes care of the compatibility issues and provides a simple API to use.
1. 不確定性: Math.random()関数は、疑似乱数ジェネレータを使用しているため、完全にランダムな数値を生成することは保証されません。一部の乱数ジェネレータは、短期間で同じ数字を繰り返し生成する場合があります。
2. 順序: Math.random()関数は、次に生成される数字を予測することができないため、順序に依存するアルゴリズムには使用できません。
3. シード値: Math.random()関数は、同じシード値を使用すると、同じ数字を生成するため、テスト用途などで予測可能な数字を生成する必要がある場合は適しません。
最近まで(version 4.9.40まで)、V8の選択したPRNGはMWC1616(multiply with carry、2つの16ビット部分を組み合わせ)でした。64
最近(バージョン4.9.40まで)、V8の選択したPRNGはMWC1616(multiply with carry、2つの16ビット部分を結合)でした。これは64ビットの内部状態を使用し、次のような形になっています。
V8 7.1では実装が再調整され、state
chatGPT.icon V8(およびほとんどのJavaScriptエンジン)において、Math.random()は擬似乱数生成器(PRNG)を使用して実装されています。他のすべてのPRNGと