菅 俊一 / すげ・しゅんいち
コグニティブデザイナー / 多摩美術大学美術学部統合デザイン学科准教授
1980年東京都生まれ。慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科修了。人間の知覚能力に基づくコグニティブデザインの考え方による問題設計や新しい表現の研究開発を軸に、社会に新しい価値を提案することを活動の主としている。主な仕事に、NHK Eテレ「2355 / 0655」ID映像、21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 企画展「単位展」コンセプトリサーチ、同「アスリート展」「ルール?展」展示ディレクター。著書に「差分」(共著・美術出版社)、「まなざし」(ボイジャー)、「行動経済学まんが ヘンテコノミクス」(共著・マガジンハウス)、「観察の練習」(NUMABOOKS)、「ルール?本」(共著・フィルムアート)。主な受賞にD&AD Yellow Pencilなど。主な展覧会に「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」(愛知県美術館、2019)、個展に「指向性の原理」(SOBO、東京、2017)、「正しくは、想像するしかない。」(デザインギャラリー1953、東京、2019)、「視線の設計」(多摩美術大学TUB、東京、2023)など。
Syunichi SUGE
Cognitive Designer
Born in 1980, I completed my post-graduate studies at the Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University. My main focus is to research and develop new modes of expression based on human senses and make proposals to society using various media. My better-known works include “2355/0655” on NHK Educational TV, concept research for the exhibition “Measuring: This much, That much, How much?” at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, and I was the exhibition director for the exhibition "Rules?", “Athlete” at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT. I have also co-authored books like Sabun (‘Difference’; Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha Co., Ltd.) and Manazashi (‘Gaze’; Voyager Japan, Inc.), “Behavioral Economics Manga: HENT-ECONOMICS”(MAGAZINE HOUSE, Ltd.), and Kansatsu-no-Renshuu(‘Exercise for observation’; numabooks). A winner of the D&AD Yellow Pencil Award, among others, I am currently an associate professor at Tama Art University.
2005 - 2014 People Co., Ltd.
2003 - 2005 Master of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan
1999 - 2003 Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Information, Keio University, Japan
Solo Exhibition
The 25th TUB Exhibition, Designing the Line of Sight, TUB, Tokyo, Japan
The 753rd Design Gallery 1953 Plan Exhibition, Syunichi Suge: You Have to Use Your Imagination, Design Gallery 1953, Tokyo, Japan
SOBO 28th Exhibition, Principles of Directionality, SOBO, Tokyo, Japan
TransArtsTokyo2012, behavior, TokyoDenkiUniversity, Tokyo, Japan
Difference, Paul Smith SPACE GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan
Group Exhibition
Aichi Triennale 2019 "Taming Y/Our Passion",Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Aichi, Japan
startbahn presents fujisantenβ, AWAJI Cafe & Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Design Anatomy: A method for seeing the world through familiar objects, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHTS, Tokyo, Japan
Measuring - This much, That much, How much?, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
ZAKKA: Goods and Things, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, Tokyo, Japan
Measuring - This much, That much, How much?, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, Tokyo, Japan
Setagaya 100 years later, SeikatsuKobo, Tokyo, Japan
Direction / Curation
Unnoticed Movements, Karimoku Commons Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Rules?, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, Tokyo, Japan
Athlete, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, Tokyo, Japan
Measuring - This much, That much, How much?, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
Measuring - This much, That much, How much?, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, Tokyo, Japan