Portal Page for Cross-disciplinary Railway Research at Sophia University
🇬🇧 It is just a pilot page at this moment.
Core members
KONG Deshi, Assistant Professor by Special Appointment No division at Sophia University
Some other divisions such as informatics, etc.
Division of Mechanical Engineering
Division of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
ANADNGAM Thunyawara
LYU Mingyu
GENG Haoran
Collaborative members
Your cooperation is welcome.
International Activity reports from April 2024
FST EAS invited Prof. Thomas Sauter-Servaes at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) to Sophia University. He gave a lecture entitled "Education and Research on Mobility Science at ZHAW." (2024-12-06) https://scrapbox.io/files/675ad0de32c134b79fb1e8ea.jpeg
The IEC/TC9 62427 ED2 Prof. Miyatake was involved in revising as a convenor was published. The title of this standard is “Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems.” (2024-12-04) Prof. Miyatake coordinated "The Second IITD-Sophia Workshop on Transportation Science and Technology - Part B Sustainable Urban Transportation" held at Sophia University on July 3rd as a part of events for India Week. (2024-07-03)https://scrapbox.io/files/66b8ba177f6caf001cd0c592.jpeg Prof. Takehara coordinated "The Second IITD-Sophia Workshop on Transportation Science and Technology - Part A Mechanical Engineering - Health care, Industry -" held at Sophia University on July 2nd as a part of events for India Week. (2024-07-02) The defense of Mr. Deshi Kong's dissertation was open to the public. The title was "Application of Energy Storage Systems to Rail Transit for Energy and Cost Efficiency Based on Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm." (2024-06-27)https://scrapbox.io/files/6744913f038b1b29d5458f39.jpeg
Professors Terumichi, Takehara and Miyatake visited IIT Delhi and made presentations in the Sophia-IITD Workshop on Transportation Science and Technology. (2024-04-04) https://scrapbox.io/files/66c5e3cf3e149d001c155cc2.jpeg Research areas
Now preparing...
Funded projects
Other information
The 2nd Japan-China Symposium on Railway Technology will be planned in 2025 in China.
The 11th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailDresden2025) will be held on 1-4 April 2025 in Dresden. Joint Symposium on Railway Technology (J-RAIL 2024) will be held on 27-29 November 2024 in Tokyo. Prof. Terumichi and Prof. Takehara are members of the steering committee.
Academic societies in Japan
Research institutes on railways in Japan
Public organizations for transportation in Japan
Funding agencies
Other information on Japanese transportation
International networks
India 🇮🇳
Spain 🇪🇸
Contact information
The page mamager is Prof. Miyatake.MIYATAKE, Masafumi / 宮武 昌史.icon