研究室配属枠 / Slots of lab students
下の表は2024年9月現在の宮武研究室内の配属枠です。 These tables below are the slot of students in TESlab (Miyatake lab) as of September 2024. table: Occupation of Master's program
Grade Year of enrollment
M2 2022S X
M2 2023S X X X X X
M2 2023A X X
M1 2024S X X X X
M1 2024A X X
2025S + + + +
2025A - - - - - -
2026S * * * *
The master's program is expected to be full until the autumn of 2025, so please wait until 2026.
table: Occupation of PhD program
Grade Year of enrollment
D3 2021A X
D3 2022S
D3 2022A
D2 2023S X
D2 2023A X
D1 2024S X
D1 2024A
2025A *
2026S *
table: Occupation of Graduation research
Grade Year of enrollment
B4 2023S X
B4 2024S X X X X
B4 2024A X
2025S * * * *
2025A *
2026S * * * *
Legend / 凡例:
*: Application available from now / 今から出願・配属希望可能 X: Student already joined / 在籍 +: Student expected to join / 配属内定済 -: Student expected to apply / 受験・配属可能性あり S: Enrollment from spring semester / 春入学 A: Enrollment from autumn semester / 秋入学 現在,研究室の人数が非常に多いため,研究生の受け入れは困難です。 It is difficult to accept research students (without diploma) because we already have many members now.