♈5: A triangle with wings. 羽のある三角 ♈11: The president of the country. 国の支配者 ♈12: A flock of wild geese. 野生の鴨の群れ ♈22: The gate to the garden of desire. 欲望の庭へ続く門 ♈25: A double promise. 2重の約束 ♉2: An electrical storm. 電気的な嵐 ♉4: The rainbow's pot of gold. 虹にある金の壷 ♉7: The woman of Samaria. サマリアの女 ♉11: A woman sprinkling flowers. 花に水をやる女 ♉13: A man handling baggage. 荷物を運ぶ男 ♉17: A battle between the swords and the torches. 剣とたいまつの間の戦い ♉21: A finger pointing in an open book. 開いた本を指す指 ♊3: The garden of the Tuileries. テューレリー庭園 ♊5: A radical magazine. 過激な雑誌 ♊6: Drilling for oil. 油田の掘削 ♊17: The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality. 知力の頭に溶けていった健康の頭 ♊19: A large archaic volume. 大きな古典書物 ♊21: A labor demonstration. 労働者のデモ ♊26: Winter frost in the woods. 森の中の冬霜 ♊29: The first mockingbird of spring. 春の最初の百舌鳥 ♋6: Game birds feathering their nests. 巣を作る猟鳥 ♋22: A woman awaiting a sailboat. ヨットを待つ女 ♋23: Meeting of a literary society. 文学会の集まり ♋27: A storm in a canyon. 渓谷での嵐 ♋30: A Daughter of the American Revolution. アメリカ革命の娘 ♌3: A woman having her hair bobbed. 髪型をボブにした女 ♌4: A man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded. 正装した男と角を刈られた鹿 ♌5: Rock formations at the edge of precipice. 絶壁の端にある岩の塊 ♌7: The constellations in the sky. 空の星座 ♌10: Early morning dew. 早朝の露 ♌14: A human soul awaiting opportunity for expression. 表現の機会を待つ人間の魂 ♌16: Sunshine after a storm. 嵐の後の陽光 ♌18: A teacher of chemistry. 化学の先生 ♌21: Chickens intoxicated. 中毒した鶏 ♌22: A carrier pigeon. 伝書鳩 ♌23: A bareback rider. 裸馬乗り ♌25: A large camel crossing the desert. 砂漠を横切るラクダ ♍9: A man making a futurist drawing. 未来派の絵を描く男 ♍10: Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows. 影の向こうを覗く2つの頭 ♍13: A strong hand supplanting political hysteria. 政治運動を制圧する強い手 ♍18: An ouija board. ウィジャ盤 ♍19: A swimming race. 水泳競争 ♍20: An automobile caravan. キャラバン車 ♍22: A royal coat of arms. 王家の紋章 ♍28: A bald-headed man. 禿頭の男 ♎7: A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks. ヒヨコに餌をやり、鷹から守る女 ♎14: A noon siesta. 正午の昼寝 ♎15: Circular paths. 環状の道 ♎17: A retired sea captain. 引退した船長 ♎21: A crowd upon the beach. 海岸の群集 ♎22: A child giving birds a drink at a fountain. 噴水で鳥に水をやる子供 ♎24: A third wing on the left side of a butterfly. 蝶の左側にある3番目の羽 ♎25: Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf. 秋の葉の象徴が伝える情報 ♎26: An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other. 互いに入れ替わる鷹と大きな白い鳩 ♏1: A sightseeing bus. 観光バス ♏3: A house-raising. 棟上げ式 ♏7: Deep-sea divers. 深海潜水夫 ♏10: A fellowship supper. 親睦夕食会 ♏18: A woods rich in autumn coloring. 豪華な秋色の森 ♏21: A soldier derelict in duty. 職務放棄兵士 ♏23: A bunny metamorphoses into a fairy. 妖精に変容するウサギ ♐10: A golden-haired goddess of opportunity. 金髪の幸運の女神 ♐22: A Chinese laundry. 中国の洗濯物 ♑11: A large group of pheasants. キジの大きな群 ♑13: A fire worshiper. 火の崇拝者 ♑16: Boys and girls in gymnasium suits. 体操着の少年少女 ♑17: A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude. 密かに裸で入浴する少女 ♑22: A general accepting defeat gracefully. 敗北を優美に認める将軍 ♑24: A woman entering a convent. 修道院に入る女 ♑26: A water sprite. 水の妖精 ♑27: A mountain pilgrimage. 山の巡礼 ♒5: A council of ancestors. 先祖の委員会 ♒9: A flag turned into an eagle. 鷹に変化する旗 ♒21: A woman disappointed and disillusioned. 絶望し幻滅した女 ♒29: A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. さなぎから出てくる蝶 ♓1: A public market. 公共の市場 ♓10: An aviator in the clouds. 雲の上の飛行家 ♓12: An examination of initiates. 新参者たちの試験 ♓16: The flow of inspiration. ひらめきの流れ ♓17: An Easter promenade. 復活祭の歩道 ♓19: A master instructing his pupil. 弟子を指導する巨匠 ♓25: The purging of the priesthood. 聖職の浄化 ♓26: A new moon that divides its influence. 影響を分割する新月 ♓27: A harvest moon. 収穫の月 ♓28: A fertile garden under the full moon. 満月の下の肥沃な庭 ♓30: The Great Stone Face. 巨大な石の顔