引用文献:松村潔 (2012) ディグリー占星術 説話社
1 おひつじ座1度 0.00-0.99 A woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her.
2 おひつじ座2度 1.00-1.99 A comedian entertaining a group.
3 おひつじ座3度 2.00-2.99 The cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country.
4 おひつじ座4度 3.00-3.99 Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk.
5 おひつじ座5度 4.00-4.99 A triangle with wings.
6 おひつじ座6度 5.00-5.99 A square brightly lighted on one side.
7 おひつじ座7度 6.00-6.99 A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once.
8 おひつじ座8度 7.00-7.99 A large hat with streamers flying, facing east.
9 おひつじ座9度 8.00-8.99 A Crystal gazer.
10 おひつじ座10度 9.00-9.99 A man teaching new forms for old symbols.
11 おひつじ座11度 10.00-10.99 The president of the country.
12 おひつじ座12度 11.00-11.99 A flock of wild geese.
13 おひつじ座13度 12.00-12.99 An unsuccessful bomb explosion.
14 おひつじ座14度 13.00-13.99 A serpent coiling near a man and a woman.
15 おひつじ座15度 14.00-14.99 An Indian weaving a blanket.
16 おひつじ座16度 15.00-15.99 Brownies dancing in the setting sun.
17 おひつじ座17度 16.00-16.99 Two prim spinsters.
18 おひつじ座18度 17.00-17.99 An empty hammock.
19 おひつじ座19度 18.00-18.99 The Magic Carpet.
20 おひつじ座20度 19.00-19.99 A young girl feeding birds in winter.
21 おひつじ座21度 20.00-20.99 A pugilist enters the ring.
22 おひつじ座22度 21.00-21.99 The gate to the garden of desire.
23 おひつじ座23度 22.00-22.99 A woman in pastel colors carrying a heavy and valuable but veiled load.
24 おひつじ座24度 23.00-23.99 An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.
25 おひつじ座25度 24.00-24.99 A double promise.
26 おひつじ座26度 25.00-25.99 A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
27 おひつじ座27度 26.00-26.99 Lost opportunity regained in the imagination.
28 おひつじ座28度 27.00-27.99 A large disappointed audience.
29 おひつじ座29度 28.00-28.99 A celestial choir singing.
30 おひつじ座30度 29.00-29.99 A duck pond and its brood.
31 おうし座1度 0.00-0.99 A clear mountain stream.
32 おうし座2度 1.00-1.99 An electrical storm.
33 おうし座3度 2.00-2.99 Step up to a lawn blooming with clover.
34 おうし座4度 3.00-3.99 The rainbow's pot of gold.
35 おうし座5度 4.00-4.99 A widow at an open grave.
36 おうし座6度 5.00-5.99 A bridge being built across a gorge.
37 おうし座7度 6.00-6.99 The woman of Samaria.
38 おうし座8度 7.00-7.99 A sleigh without snow.
39 おうし座9度 8.00-8.99 A Christmas tree decorated.
40 おうし座10度 9.00-9.99 A Red Cross nurse.
41 おうし座11度 10.00-10.99 A woman sprinkling flowers.
42 おうし座12度 11.00-11.99 Window-shoppers.
43 おうし座13度 12.00-12.99 A man handling baggage.
44 おうし座14度 13.00-13.99 Shellfish groping and children playing.
45 おうし座15度 14.00-14.99 A man muffled, with a rakish silk hat.
46 おうし座16度 15.00-15.99 An old man attempting vainly to reveal the Mysteries.
47 おうし座17度 16.00-16.99 A battle between the swords and the torches.
48 おうし座18度 17.00-17.99 A woman holding a bag out of a window.
49 おうし座19度 18.00-18.99 A newly formed continent.
50 おうし座20度 19.00-19.99 Wind clouds and haste.
51 おうし座21度 20.00-20.99 A finger pointing in an open book.
52 おうし座22度 21.00-21.99 White dove over troubled waters.
53 おうし座23度 22.00-22.99 A jewelry shop.
54 おうし座24度 23.00-23.99 An mounted Indian with scalp locks.
55 おうし座25度 24.00-24.99 A large well-kept public park.
56 おうし座26度 25.00-25.99 A Spaniard serenading his senorita.
57 おうし座27度 26.00-26.99 An squaw selling beads.
58 おうし座28度 27.00-27.99 A woman pursued by mature romance.
59 おうし座29度 28.00-28.99 Two cobblers working at a table.
60 おうし座30度 29.00-29.99 A peacock parading on an ancient lawn.
61 ふたご座1度 0.00-0.99 A glass-bottomed boat in still water.
62 ふたご座2度 1.00-1.99 Santa Claus filling stockings furtively.
63 ふたご座3度 2.00-2.99 The garden of the Tuileries.
64 ふたご座4度 3.00-3.99 Holly and mistletoe.
65 ふたご座5度 4.00-4.99 A radical magazine.
66 ふたご座6度 5.00-5.99 Drilling for oil.
67 ふたご座7度 6.00-6.99 An old-fashioned well.
68 ふたご座8度 7.00-7.99 An industrial strike.
69 ふたご座9度 8.00-8.99 A quiver filled with arrows.
70 ふたご座10度 9.00-9.99 An airplane falling.
71 ふたご座11度 10.00-10.99 A new path of realism in experience.
72 ふたご座12度 11.00-11.99 A Topsy saucily asserting herself.
73 ふたご座13度 12.00-12.99 A great musician at his piano.
74 ふたご座14度 13.00-13.99 A conversation by telepathy.
75 ふたご座15度 14.00-14.99 Two Dutch children talking.
76 ふたご座16度 15.00-15.99 A woman suffragist haranguing.
77 ふたご座17度 16.00-16.99 The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality.
78 ふたご座18度 17.00-17.99 Two Chinese men talking Chinese.
79 ふたご座19度 18.00-18.99 A large archaic volume.
80 ふたご座20度 19.00-19.99 A cafeteria.
81 ふたご座21度 20.00-20.99 A labor demonstration.
82 ふたご座22度 21.00-21.99 A barn dance.
83 ふたご座23度 22.00-22.99 Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.
84 ふたご座24度 23.00-23.99 Children skating on ice.
85 ふたご座25度 24.00-24.99 A man trimming palms.
86 ふたご座26度 25.00-25.99 Winter frost in the woods.
87 ふたご座27度 26.00-26.99 A gypsy coming out of the forest.
88 ふたご座28度 27.00-27.99 A man declared bankrupt.
89 ふたご座29度 28.00-28.99 The first mockingbird of spring.
90 ふたご座30度 29.00-29.99 Bathing beauties.
91 かに座1度 0.00-0.99 A furled and unfurled flag displayed from a vessel.
92 かに座2度 1.00-1.99 A man suspended over a vast level place.
93 かに座3度 2.00-2.99 A man bundled up in fur leading a shaggy deer.
94 かに座4度 3.00-3.99 A cat arguing with a mouse.
95 かに座5度 4.00-4.99 An automobile wrecked by a train.
96 かに座6度 5.00-5.99 Game birds feathering their nests.
97 かに座7度 6.00-6.99 Two fairies on a moonlit night.
98 かに座8度 7.00-7.99 Rabbits dressed in clothes and on parade.
99 かに座9度 8.00-8.99 A tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish.
100 かに座10度 9.00-9.99 A large diamond not completely cut.
101 かに座11度 10.00-10.99 A clown making grimaces.
102 かに座12度 11.00-11.99 A Chinese woman nursing a baby with a message.
103 かに座13度 12.00-12.99 One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb.
104 かに座14度 13.00-13.99 A very old man facing a vast dark space to the northeast.
105 かに座15度 14.00-14.99 A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.
106 かに座16度 15.00-15.99 A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him.
107 かに座17度 16.00-16.99 The germ grows into knowledge and life.
108 かに座18度 17.00-17.99 A hen scratching for her chicks.
109 かに座19度 18.00-18.99 A priest performing a marriage ceremony.
110 かに座20度 19.00-19.99 Gondoliers in a serenade.
111 かに座21度 20.00-20.99 A prima donna singing.
112 かに座22度 21.00-21.99 A woman awaiting a sailboat.
113 かに座23度 22.00-22.99 Meeting of a literary society.
114 かに座24度 23.00-23.99 A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south.
115 かに座25度 24.00-24.99 A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder.
116 かに座26度 25.00-25.99 Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports.
117 かに座27度 26.00-26.99 A storm in a canyon.
118 かに座28度 27.00-27.99 A modern Pocahontas.
119 かに座29度 28.00-28.99 A Muse weighing twins.
120 かに座30度 29.00-29.99 A Daughter of the American Revolution.
121 しし座1度 0.00-0.99 A case of apoplexy.
122 しし座2度 1.00-1.99 An epidemic of mumps.
123 しし座3度 2.00-2.99 A woman having her hair bobbed.
124 しし座4度 3.00-3.99 A man formally dressed and a deer with its horns folded.
125 しし座5度 4.00-4.99 Rock formations at the edge of precipice.
126 しし座6度 5.00-5.99 An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl.
127 しし座7度 6.00-6.99 The constellations in the sky.
128 しし座8度 7.00-7.99 A Bolshevik propagandist.
129 しし座9度 8.00-8.99 Glass blowers.
130 しし座10度 9.00-9.99 Early morning dew.
131 しし座11度 10.00-10.99 Children on a swing in a huge oak tree.
132 しし座12度 11.00-11.99 An evening lawn party.
133 しし座13度 12.00-12.99 An old sea captain rocking.
134 しし座14度 13.00-13.99 A human soul awaiting opportunity for expression.
135 しし座15度 14.00-14.99 A pageant.
136 しし座16度 15.00-15.99 Sunshine after a storm.
137 しし座17度 16.00-16.99 A non-vested church choir.
138 しし座18度 17.00-17.99 A teacher of chemistry.
139 しし座19度 18.00-18.99 A houseboat party.
140 しし座20度 19.00-19.99 The Zuni sun worshippers.
141 しし座21度 20.00-20.99 Chickens intoxicated.
142 しし座22度 21.00-21.99 A carrier pigeon.
143 しし座23度 22.00-22.99 A bareback rider.
144 しし座24度 23.00-23.99 An untidy, unkempt man.
145 しし座25度 24.00-24.99 A large camel crossing the desert.
146 しし座26度 25.00-25.99 A rainbow.
147 しし座27度 26.00-26.99 Daybreak.
148 しし座28度 27.00-27.99 Many little birds on a limb of a large tree.
149 しし座29度 28.00-28.99 A mermaid.
150 しし座30度 29.00-29.99 An unsealed letter.
151 おとめ座1度 0.00-0.99 A man's head.
152 おとめ座2度 1.00-1.99 A large white cross upraised.
153 おとめ座3度 2.00-2.99 Two angels bringing protection.
154 おとめ座4度 3.00-3.99 A colored child playing with white children.
155 おとめ座5度 4.00-4.99 A man dreaming of fairies.
156 おとめ座6度 5.00-5.99 A merry-go-round.
157 おとめ座7度 6.00-6.99 A harem.
158 おとめ座8度 7.00-7.99 First dancing instruction.
159 おとめ座9度 8.00-8.99 A man making a futurist drawing.
160 おとめ座10度 9.00-9.99 Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows.
161 おとめ座11度 10.00-10.99 A boy molded in his mother's aspiration for him.
162 おとめ座12度 11.00-11.99 A bride with her veil snatched away.
163 おとめ座13度 12.00-12.99 A strong hand supplanting political hysteria.
164 おとめ座14度 13.00-13.99 A family tree.
165 おとめ座15度 14.00-14.99 An ornamental handkerchief.
166 おとめ座16度 15.00-15.99 An orangutan.
167 おとめ座17度 16.00-16.99 A volcano in eruption.
168 おとめ座18度 17.00-17.99 An ouija board.
169 おとめ座19度 18.00-18.99 A swimming race.
170 おとめ座20度 19.00-19.99 An automobile caravan.
171 おとめ座21度 20.00-20.99 A girl's basketball team.
172 おとめ座22度 21.00-21.99 A royal coat of arms.
173 おとめ座23度 22.00-22.99 An animal trainer.
174 おとめ座24度 23.00-23.99 Mary and her white lamb.
175 おとめ座25度 24.00-24.99 A flag at half-mast.
176 おとめ座26度 25.00-25.99 A boy with a censer.
177 おとめ座27度 26.00-26.99 Grande dames at tea.
178 おとめ座28度 27.00-27.99 A bald-headed man.
179 おとめ座29度 28.00-28.99 A man gaining secret knowledge from a paper he is reading.
180 おとめ座30度 29.00-29.99 A false call unheard in attention to immediate service.
181 てんびん座1度 0.00-0.99 A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.
182 てんびん座2度 1.00-1.99 The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh.
183 てんびん座3度 2.00-2.99 The dawn of a new day, everything changed.
184 てんびん座4度 3.00-3.99 A group around a campfire.
185 てんびん座5度 4.00-4.99 A man teaching the true inner knowledge.
186 てんびん座6度 5.00-5.99 The ideals of a man abundantly crystallized.
187 てんびん座7度 6.00-6.99 A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks.
188 てんびん座8度 7.00-7.99 A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.
189 てんびん座9度 8.00-8.99 Three old masters hanging in an art gallery.
190 てんびん座10度 9.00-9.99 A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters.
191 てんびん座11度 10.00-10.99 A professor peering over his glasses.
192 てんびん座12度 11.00-11.99 Miners emerging from a mine.
193 てんびん座13度 12.00-12.99 Children blowing soap bubbles.
194 てんびん座14度 13.00-13.99 A noon siesta.
195 てんびん座15度 14.00-14.99 Circular paths.
196 てんびん座16度 15.00-15.99 A boat landing washed away.
197 てんびん座17度 16.00-16.99 A retired sea captain.
198 てんびん座18度 17.00-17.99 Two men placed under arrest.
199 てんびん座19度 18.00-18.99 A gang of robbers in hiding.
200 てんびん座20度 19.00-19.99 A Jewish rabbi.
201 てんびん座21度 20.00-20.99 A crowd upon the beach.
202 てんびん座22度 21.00-21.99 A child giving birds a drink at a fountain.
203 てんびん座23度 22.00-22.99 Chanticleer.
204 てんびん座24度 23.00-23.99 A third wing on the left side of a butterfly.
205 てんびん座25度 24.00-24.99 Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf.
206 てんびん座26度 25.00-25.99 An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other.
207 てんびん座27度 26.00-26.99 An airplane hovering overhead.
208 てんびん座28度 27.00-27.99 A man in the midst of brightening influences.
209 てんびん座29度 28.00-28.99 Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge.
210 てんびん座30度 29.00-29.99 Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head.
211 さそり座1度 0.00-0.99 A sightseeing bus.
212 さそり座2度 1.00-1.99 A broken bottle and spilled perfume.
213 さそり座3度 2.00-2.99 A house-raising.
214 さそり座4度 3.00-3.99 A youth holding a lighted candle.
215 さそり座5度 4.00-4.99 A massive, rocky shore.
216 さそり座6度 5.00-5.99 A gold rush.
217 さそり座7度 6.00-6.99 Deep-sea divers.
218 さそり座8度 7.00-7.99 The moon shining across a lake.
219 さそり座9度 8.00-8.99 Dental work.
220 さそり座10度 9.00-9.99 A fellowship supper.
221 さそり座11度 10.00-10.99 A drowning man rescued.
222 さそり座12度 11.00-11.99 An embassy ball.
223 さそり座13度 12.00-12.99 An inventor experimenting.
224 さそり座14度 13.00-13.99 Telephone linemen at work.
225 さそり座15度 14.00-14.99 Children playing around five mounds of sand.
226 さそり座16度 15.00-15.99 A girl's face breaking into a smile.
227 さそり座17度 16.00-16.99 A woman the father of her own child.
228 さそり座18度 17.00-17.99 A woods rich in autumn coloring.
229 さそり座19度 18.00-18.99 A parrot listening and then talking.
230 さそり座20度 19.00-19.99 A woman drawing two dark curtains aside.
231 さそり座21度 20.00-20.99 A soldier derelict in duty.
232 さそり座22度 21.00-21.99 Hunters starting out for ducks.
233 さそり座23度 22.00-22.99 A bunny metamorphoses into a fairy.
234 さそり座24度 23.00-23.99 Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man.
235 さそり座25度 24.00-24.99 An X ray.
236 さそり座26度 25.00-25.99 Indians making camp.
237 さそり座27度 26.00-26.99 A military band on the march.
238 さそり座28度 27.00-27.99 The king of the fairies approaching his domain.
239 さそり座29度 28.00-28.99 An Indian squaw pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.
240 さそり座30度 29.00-29.99 The Halloween jester.
241 いて座1度 0.00-0.99 Grand army of the Republic campfire.
242 いて座2度 1.00-1.99 The ocean covered with whitecaps.
243 いて座3度 2.00-2.99 Two men playing chess.
244 いて座4度 3.00-3.99 A little child learning to walk.
245 いて座5度 4.00-4.99 An old owl up in a tree.
246 いて座6度 5.00-5.99 A game of cricket.
247 いて座7度 6.00-6.99 Cupid knocking at the door.
248 いて座8度 7.00-7.99 Rocks and things forming therein.
249 いて座9度 8.00-8.99 A mother with her children on stairs.
250 いて座10度 9.00-9.99 A golden-haired goddess of opportunity.
251 いて座11度 10.00-10.99 The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple.
252 いて座12度 11.00-11.99 A flag that turns into an eagle that crows.
253 いて座13度 12.00-12.99 A widow's past brought to light.
254 いて座14度 13.00-13.99 The Pyramids and the Sphinx.
255 いて座15度 14.00-14.99 The ground hog looking for its shadow.
256 いて座16度 15.00-15.99 Sea gulls watching a ship.
257 いて座17度 16.00-16.99 An Easter sunrise service.
258 いて座18度 17.00-17.99 Tiny children in sunbonnets.
259 いて座19度 18.00-18.99 Pelicans moving their habitat.
260 いて座20度 19.00-19.99 Men cutting through ice.
261 いて座21度 20.00-20.99 A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses.
262 いて座22度 21.00-21.99 A Chinese laundry.
263 いて座23度 22.00-22.99 Immigrants entering.
264 いて座24度 23.00-23.99 A bluebird standing at the door of the house.
265 いて座25度 24.00-24.99 A chubby boy on a hobby-horse.
266 いて座26度 25.00-25.99 A flag-bearer.
267 いて座27度 26.00-26.99 A sculptor.
268 いて座28度 27.00-27.99 An old bridge over a beautiful stream.
269 いて座29度 28.00-28.99 A fat boy mowing the lawn.
270 いて座30度 29.00-29.99 The Pope.
271 やぎ座1度 0.00-0.99 An Indian chief demanding recognition.
272 やぎ座2度 1.00-1.99 Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment.
273 やぎ座3度 2.00-2.99 A human soul receptive to growth and understanding.
274 やぎ座4度 3.00-3.99 A party entering a large canoe.
275 やぎ座5度 4.00-4.99 Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance.
276 やぎ座6度 5.00-5.99 A dark archway and ten logs at the bottom.
277 やぎ座7度 6.00-6.99 A veiled prophet of power.
278 やぎ座8度 7.00-7.99 Birds in the house singing happily.
279 やぎ座9度 8.00-8.99 An angel carrying a harp.
280 やぎ座10度 9.00-9.99 An albatross feeding from the hand.
281 やぎ座11度 10.00-10.99 A large group of pheasants.
282 やぎ座12度 11.00-11.99 A student of nature lecturing.
283 やぎ座13度 12.00-12.99 A fire worshiper.
284 やぎ座14度 13.00-13.99 An ancient bas-relief carved in granite.
285 やぎ座15度 14.00-14.99 Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital.
286 やぎ座16度 15.00-15.99 Boys and girls in gymnasium suits.
287 やぎ座17度 16.00-16.99 A girl surreptitiously bathing in the nude.
288 やぎ座18度 17.00-17.99 The Union Jack.
289 やぎ座19度 18.00-18.99 A child of about five with a huge shopping bag.
290 やぎ座20度 19.00-19.99 A hidden choir singing.
291 やぎ座21度 20.00-20.99 A relay race.
292 やぎ座22度 21.00-21.99 A general accepting defeat gracefully.
293 やぎ座23度 22.00-22.99 Two awards for bravery in war.
294 やぎ座24度 23.00-23.99 A woman entering a convent.
295 やぎ座25度 24.00-24.99 An oriental-rug dealer.
296 やぎ座26度 25.00-25.99 A water sprite.
297 やぎ座27度 26.00-26.99 A mountain pilgrimage.
298 やぎ座28度 27.00-27.99 A large aviary.
299 やぎ座29度 28.00-28.99 A woman reading tea leaves.
300 やぎ座30度 29.00-29.99 A secret business conference.
301 みずがめ座1度 0.00-0.99 An old adobe mission.
302 みずがめ座2度 1.00-1.99 An unexpected thunderstorm.
303 みずがめ座3度 2.00-2.99 A deserter from the navy.
304 みずがめ座4度 3.00-3.99 A Hindu healer.
305 みずがめ座5度 4.00-4.99 A council of ancestors.
306 みずがめ座6度 5.00-5.99 A performer of a mystery play.
307 みずがめ座7度 6.00-6.99 A child born of an eggshell.
308 みずがめ座8度 7.00-7.99 Beautifully gowned wax figures.
309 みずがめ座9度 8.00-8.99 A flag turned into an eagle.
310 みずがめ座10度 9.00-9.99 A popularity that proves ephemeral.
311 みずがめ座11度 10.00-10.99 Man tete-a-tete with his inspiration.
312 みずがめ座12度 11.00-11.99 People on stairs graduated upward.
313 みずがめ座13度 12.00-12.99 A barometer.
314 みずがめ座14度 13.00-13.99 A train entering a tunnel.
315 みずがめ座15度 14.00-14.99 Two lovebirds sitting on a fence.
316 みずがめ座16度 15.00-15.99 A big businessman at his desk.
317 みずがめ座17度 16.00-16.99 A watchdog standing guard.
318 みずがめ座18度 17.00-17.99 A man unmasked.
319 みずがめ座19度 18.00-18.99 A forest fire quenched.
320 みずがめ座20度 19.00-19.99 A large white dove, a message bearer.
321 みずがめ座21度 20.00-20.99 A woman disappointed and disillusioned.
322 みずがめ座22度 21.00-21.99 A rug placed on the floor for children to play.
323 みずがめ座23度 22.00-22.99 A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.
324 みずがめ座24度 23.00-23.99 A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experience.
325 みずがめ座25度 24.00-24.99 A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.
326 みずがめ座26度 25.00-25.99 A hydrometer.
327 みずがめ座27度 26.00-26.99 An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets.
328 みずがめ座28度 27.00-27.99 A tree felled and sawed.
329 みずがめ座29度 28.00-28.99 A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.
330 みずがめ座30度 29.00-29.99 The field of Ardath in bloom.
331 うお座1度 0.00-0.99 A public market.
332 うお座2度 1.00-1.99 A squirrel hiding from hunters.
333 うお座3度 2.00-2.99 Petrified forest.
334 うお座4度 3.00-3.99 Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus.
335 うお座5度 4.00-4.99 A church bazaar.
336 うお座6度 5.00-5.99 Officers on dress parade.
337 うお座7度 6.00-6.99 A cross lying on rocks.
338 うお座8度 7.00-7.99 A girl blowing a bugle.
339 うお座9度 8.00-8.99 A jockey.
340 うお座10度 9.00-9.99 An aviator in the clouds.
341 うお座11度 10.00-10.99 Men seeking illumination.
342 うお座12度 11.00-11.99 An examination of initiates.
343 うお座13度 12.00-12.99 An sword in a museum.
344 うお座14度 13.00-13.99 A lady in fox fur.
345 うお座15度 14.00-14.99 An officer preparing to drill his men.
346 うお座16度 15.00-15.99 The flow of inspiration.
347 うお座17度 16.00-16.99 An Easter promenade.
348 うお座18度 17.00-17.99 A gigantic tent.
349 うお座19度 18.00-18.99 A master instructing his pupil.
350 うお座20度 19.00-19.99 A table set for an evening meal.
351 うお座21度 20.00-20.99 A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant.
352 うお座22度 21.00-21.99 A man bringing down the new law from Sinai.
353 うお座23度 22.00-22.99 Spiritist phenomena.
354 うお座24度 23.00-23.99 An inhabited island.
355 うお座25度 24.00-24.99 The purging of the priesthood.
356 うお座26度 25.00-25.99 A new moon that divides its influence.
357 うお座27度 26.00-26.99 A harvest moon.
358 うお座28度 27.00-27.99 A fertile garden under the full moon.
359 うお座29度 28.00-28.99 A prism.
360 うお座30度 29.00-29.99 The Great Stone Face.