hirooyamagata — 今日午後4:13
今や民主主義が低潮にあるのは偶然ではありません。専制政権は今や世界のほぼ半分のGDPを支配しています。 読者/翻訳者はこれに反発します。「えっ?????」 あなたは世界中の専制政権の台頭をインターネットのせいにしているのですか?これはあまりにも広範囲な主張ではありませんか?それは教条的に聞こえ、これを少し緩和するのに苦労しています。
GlenWeyl — 今日午後4:18
GlenWeyl — 今日午前8:46
nishio — 今日午前10:32
GlenWeyl — 今日午前10:35
"group euthanasia"の話は不必要に反感を呼ぶので入れない方がいいかなと思う。一部の章をカットしたり圧縮したりしても良いという話はとても興味深い。山形さんの自由度が上がって日本の読者向けに良いものを作りやすくなるのではないか?
hirooyamagata — Today at 4:13 PM
Hmmm, translation of this book is not difficult, yet it's kind of tough. In the intro, there're these sections;
The internet is a powerful technology for tying people together in new collaborations across vast differences. Unfortunately, it has also recently proven to be a powerful tool for thwarting those collaborations and sowing new forms of division.//
It is no coincidence that democracy now finds itself at a low tide. Authoritarian regimes now command nearly half of the global GDP.
The reader/translator balks at this; WHAT???? You're blaming the internet for the rise of Authoritarian regimes around the world? Isn't this too much of a sweeping statement? It sounds dogmatic, and I struggle a bit to make this less so.
GlenWeyl — Today at 4:18 PM
Many people do
Awliiiza — Today at 1:19 AM
Thank you for voicing this.
GlenWeyl — Today at 8:46 AM
This is a widely held view and we are trying to show our empathy for it. it is a strategy in the book. You can suggest changes for the community to approve to the root text
nishio — Today at 10:32 AM
If there were surveys or other evidence showing that many people think this way, we could improve it by using that. "Widely held view" depend on the language. When Japanese hear discussions in Japan about democracy being in crisis, most Japanese people would associate it with "the majority of votes being controlled by the elderly due to the declining birthrate and aging population, prioritizing healthcare over investment in the future." There have been heated debates, with Yusuke Narita advocating for group euthanasia for the elderly.
GlenWeyl — Today at 10:35 AM
makes sense
so I htink you should feel free to change these parts in the Japanese translation
that's why the translation should be done by the community
not just directly
You might want to go as far as to change the whole structure some
in Chinese they are removing 2-0
nishio — Today at 10:59 AM
That's interesting> in Chinese they are removing 2-0
GlenWeyl — Today at 11:00 AM
2-0 is very West context
not really relevant outside that context
Perhaps relevant in South Asia
nishio — Today at 11:35 AM
I think it might be better not to include the discussion about "group euthanasia" as it could unnecessarily provoke backlash. The idea of cutting or condensing some sections is quite intriguing. With increased flexibility, Yamagata-san could more easily create content tailored to Japanese readers.