How to carefulWrap Pixereum? (Etherscan version)
USE THIS TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you are familiar with solidity and ethereum, you can go with this doc, etherscan verion!
You can wrap your pixel WITHOUT setting sale state true at Pixereum.
But carefulWrap is a little bit complicated!
Do it STEP BY STEP, in each step, make sure that the transaction is successfully completed!
Wrapped Pixereum
1. Go to Pixereum Etherscan
2. Make sure that your wallet is connecting to the web3 by pushing "Connect to Web3" button
3. Make sure that your target pixel's saleState is false, or you need to call setSaleState to false
4. Go to Wrapped Pixereum Etherscan
make sure that your wallet is connected to web3 or do it as you did at 2.
5. Call prepareCarefulWrap at V2
Make sure that the target pixel's saleState is false on pixereum, or the transaction would be failed.
Wait gracefully until the transaction is completed and succeeded!
6. Go to V1 Pixereum Etherscan
make sure that your wallet is connected to web3
7. Set Owner to WrappedPixereum contract address at V1
Transfer the pixel' s ownershipment to Wrapped Pixereum contract.
this address is v2 contract address.
Wait gracefully until the transaction is completed and succeeded!
8. Go to Wrapped Pixereum (V2) Etherscan
make sure that your wallet is connected to web3 or do it as you did at 2.
9. Call carefulWrap
make sure that you input the pixel number which you input when prepareWrap.
Wait gracefully until the transaction is completed and succeeded!
10. Check openSea