"Algorithm Design with Haskell"
§ 1.3 Inductive and recursive definitions
While most functions make use of recursion, the nature of the recursion is different in different functions. The functions map, filter, and foldr all make use of structural recursion. That is, the recursion follows the structure of lists built from the empty list [] and the cons constructor (:). There is one clause for the empty list and another, recursive clause for x : xs in terms of the value of the function for xs. We will call such definitions inductive definitions. Most inductive definitions can be expressed as instances of foldr. For example, both map and filter can be so expressed.
perms₁ [] = [[]]
inserts x [] = x
inserts x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys) : map (y:) (inserts x ys)
perms₁ = foldr step [[]]
step x xss = concatMap (inserts x) xss
perms₁ = foldr (concatMap . inserts) [[]]
Here is another way of generationg permutations, one that is recursive rather than inductive:
perms₂ [] = [[]]
picks [] = []
The different styles, recursive or inductive, of the definitions of basic combinatorial functions, such as permutations, partitions, or subsequences, lead to different kinds of final algorithm. For example, divide-and-conquer algorithms are usually recursive, while greedy and thinning algorithms are usually inductive. To appreciate that there may be different algorithms for one and the same problem, one has to go back to the definitions of the basic functions used in the specification of the problem and see if they can be defined differently. For example, the inductive definition of perms₁ leads to Insertion sort, while the recursive definition of perms₂ leads to Selection sort.
perms₂ [] = [[]]
perms₂ xs = concatMap subperms (picks xs)
subperms (x,ys) = map (x:) (perms₂ ys)