日立製作所は、小売業における課題に対応し、新たな価値を創出するために、AIを活用している。PDF Google Cloudは、データとAIを活用してサプライチェーンの効率化と最適化を推進し、顧客に優れた成果をもたらしている。
企業のAI導入に関する調査結果から、AIが価値を生むかどうかを会社全体で総合的にレビューすることが少ないことが示されている。src AIを活用したシステムやツールを導入した企業は多いが、AIが継続して価値を生み出すためにはMLOpsという運用手法が重要であると指摘されている。
The idea that AI must help customers throughout the value creation process is supported by various studies and frameworks. AI technologies can be instrumental in creating value for customers by providing personalized solutions, enhancing customer experience, and reducing operational costs.
The process of value creation through AI involves activities such as identifying AI technologies, understanding their usefulness, and designing customer experiences utilizing AI. PDF Research also highlights the importance of understanding the interaction between service providers and customers to enable value co-creation through AI technologies.
While AI tools can enhance the capabilities of customer service representatives and make the process more efficient, it is crucial to maintain a balance to ensure that human interaction, which is central to value co-creation, is not overshadowed by technology.
Frameworks like the one proposed in "Value Creation within AI-enabled Data Platforms" emphasize the role of information asymmetry and business platforms in extending the value creation process.
Additionally, a systematic literature review indicates that AI applications primarily support service providers but also enable value co-creation between firms and customers through resource integration.
In conclusion, the integration of AI in customer service operations can enhance value creation by providing data-driven insights, automating routine tasks, and improving customer engagement. However, maintaining a balance between AI-driven automation and human interaction is essential to ensure effective value co-creation throughout the process.