Philanthropic vs. Federal Support. (a) The amount of grants provided to institutions performing research by private nonprofit organizations has grown considerably over the past decade, surpassing the amount of grants given by the NSF and NIH.
フィランソロピーと連邦政府の支援 (a)民間の非営利団体から研究機関へ提供される助成金の額は、過去10年間で大幅に増加し、NSFやNIHによる助成金の額を上回っている。
While philanthropic support for science has increased in the past decade, there is limited quantitative knowledge about the patterns that characterize it and the mechanisms that drive its distribution. Here, we map philanthropic funding to universities and research institutions based on IRS tax forms from 685,397 non-profit organizations. We identify nearly one million grants supporting institutions involved in science and higher education, finding that in volume and scope, philanthropic funding has grown to become comparable to federal research funding. Yet, distinct from government support, philanthropic funders tend to focus locally, indicating that criteria beyond research excellence play an important role in funding decisions. We also show evidence of persistence, i.e., once a grant-giving relationship begins, it tends to continue in time. Finally, we leverage the bipartite network of supporters and recipients to help us demonstrate the predictive power of the underlying network in foreseeing future funder-recipient relationships. The developed toolset could offer funding recommendations to organizations and help funders diversify their portfolio. We discuss the policy implications of our findings for philanthropic funders, individual researchers, and quantitative understanding of philanthropy.