This report introduces the Global Collectivism Index (GCI) – a measure covering 99.9% of the earth's population. The GCI includes six sub-scores (e.g.…
Readers will surely notice that Japan received a very low GCI score, ranking 180th out of 188 nations. We address this issue in great detail later. For now, we begin with the obvious. Modern Japan has very small families, very high rates of car ownership, and low levels of ingroup favoritism (Hamamura, 2012). Japan is also one of the least religious nations on earth. Such facts make Japan an individualistic nation (Matsumoto et al., 1996). This does not mean, for example, that people from Japan care little about interpersonal harmony. Instead, concerns for interpersonal harmony may not be as tightly linked to collectivism as many have assumed (cf. Vignoles et al., 2016, and see also Minkov et al., 2017).
Uncertainty Avoidanceが相変わらず高いですね。
Motivation towards Achievement and Successが高いというのは意外ですが、ある意味嬉しい結果です。
kodai_kusano そうですね、教えない方が良いと思います!むしろこの件で社会科学研究の難しさや価値を伝えられるんじゃないでしょうか なんとなく「ピンとくる」ものって、それを正すのは非常に難しいと日々感じます。むしろ再生産に加担してしまっています。反省しました。
tatsuyautexas おっしゃるとおりですね。幅広く授業を教えないとならないので、全体をアップデートするのが本当に大変で、、、 mhayataki そもそもHofstedのcultural dimension でも、日本はわりとindividualismが高かったような・・・。