nishio_en Can language minorities survive? GPT-4 performance for minority languages is lower compared to English. For example, Japanese lags by 5 points! Will this gap ever close? #LanguageMinorities #GPT4 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsKmvlTakAIuMa4?format=jpg&name=medium#.png
nishio_en If the gap doesn't close, we could see a productivity divide between those who can speak English with AI and those who can't. People might shift to using English instead of their native languages. #LanguageShift #AIandLanguage nishio_en As you may know, I've resumed tweeting on my English account. Now I'm having a machine translate my Scrapbox entries into English. As a Japanese speaker, organizing thoughts in my native language is easier for me. #LanguageBarrier nishio_en Not sure how to best utilize the English translations yet, but I'll be experimenting and learning along the way. Excited to see where this journey takes me! #LanguageLearning #Multilingual nishio_en It's 27:30 in Japan right now . Thinking of using up my ChatGPT Plus quota before bed. This could be a great trigger and motivation for me to express my thoughts in English! #LanguageLearning #ChatGPTPlus nishio_en Wish OpenAI would show the remaining quota for ChatGPT Plus users. It would be so helpful to manage usage better! @OpenAI
American Equity
I’d like feedback on the following idea. I think that every adult US citizen should get an annual share of the US GDP. I believe that owning something like a share in America would align all of...
nishio_en But a gradual wealth tax increase up to 2.5% seems more reasonable. I didn't realize that Japan's current property tax is essentially a wealth tax on real estate. Learned something new! #Japan #PropertyTax nishio_en Today's thought: We must take responsibility for our actions and do what we think is best. Nobody truly knows the 'right' answer. Those who answer confidently are just deciding it's best to be confident even when uncertain. #LifeThoughts #Responsibility nishio_en Even if the past concerns us, maybe we shouldn't look back too much. A quick glance is okay, but fully turning around is not advisable. Keep moving forward! #Progress #DontLookBack nishio_en Just read the Prompting Tips, and it's interesting to see that AIs, like humans, find it hard to understand negative instructions. > 7. Instead of just saying what not to do, say what to do instead
Best practices for prompt engineering with OpenAI API | OpenAI Help Center
How to give clear and effective instructions to GPT-3 and Codex
nishio_ja ご存知かもしれませんが、英語のアカウントでつぶやくのを再開しました。今は、Scrapboxのエントリーを機械に翻訳してもらっています。日本語話者としては、母国語で思考を整理する方が楽なんです。 #言語バリア nishio_en OpenAIがChatGPT Plusユーザーの残枠を表示してくれればいいのに。使用量を管理するのにとても助かります! (´・ω・`)>@OpenAI
nishio_en しかし、2.5%までの段階的な富裕税増税の方が合理的だと思う。日本の現在の固定資産税が、実質的に不動産に対する富裕税であることは知りませんでした。新しいことを学んだ! #日本 #固定資産税 nishio_en 今日思ったこと: 私たちは自分の行動に責任を持ち、最善と思われることをしなければなりません。誰も本当の意味で「正しい」答えを知っているわけではない。自信満々に答える人は、不確実でも自信を持つことがベストだと判断しているだけだ。 #人生論 #責任感 nishio_en ただ、プロンプティングのTipsを読むと、AIも人間と同じでネガティブな指示を理解するのは難しいというのが面白いですね。 7)「やってはいけないこと」だけを言うのではなく、「やるべきこと」を言う。
OpenAI APIを使ったプロンプトエンジニアリングのベストプラクティス|OpenAIヘルプセンター
GPT-3やCodexへの明確で効果的な指示の出し方 >> GPT-3やCodexへの明確で効果的な指示の出し方