from Throw the ball back.
Go to Wiki in Berserker state.
If you face your personal wiki in that state, you'll get a lot of pages.
The brain spins and derailment at high speed
from Throw the ball back.
Go to Wiki in Berserker state.
If you face your personal wiki in that state, you'll get a lot of pages.
The brain spins and derailment at high speed
Transcribed by LISTEN at
要約 ver.2
The author has recently been writing down work memos and daily thoughts on his Wiki. The tools he uses have changed, but currently his favorite is his Wiki.
A typology of how each page of Wiki is used. (The world's first Wiki was developed by [Cunningham
Transition from a state in which individuals are writing their opinions under their names (thread mode) to a state in which objective facts are written for third parties under no name ([document mod
Written on 2015-07-13, discussing how to help my writing in the past combine with my current thinking.
There is talk of Similar document search by word vector and a Wiki system that would later be called Scrapbox.
from /villagepump/conflicts occur without real-time co-editing.
from /villagepump/the method of preparing the minutes in advance and starting the discussion there if you want.
When multiple people try to edit a single page on a Wiki without real time [joint editing
[All wikis are pre-written - Rakusai Public - Scrapbox 8D%E3%81%8B%E3%81%91]
If many people have a negative image of the words "in the making" and "in the writing", I wonder if it would be better to call it "Continuous Improvement" or something like that.
from /unnamedcamp/ page-level atomicity and row-level atomicity exist.
I'm not sure about "atomic" (atomic).
To be precise, "there is uncomfortable feeling in the use of that word."
Scrapbox is a kind of wiki. Toshiyuki Masui invented and Nota Inc. provided the services. I started using it in 2017, and as of 2019, there are 4000 pages in my public project (*1). I also publi
Taking Wiki as a metaphor for dictionary is harmful
It would increase the limitation that "the text is a description of the words in the title"
Dictionary headwords have more noun forms than the actual frequency of occurrence
Discord is allocated to [flow
Initially there was no Permalink. for statements
Contrast with Slack and others that put permalinks on each post.
Because it comes from real-time game chat?
Maybe the culture is to write in Wiki what should be saved in the first place?
Wiki There are
There is a gap between the amount of content expected by readers and the actual amount of content.
Disappointment because there is no content beyond link" phenomenon
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/「リンクの先に内容がなくてガッカリ」現象. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at [@
I was asked to speak briefly about the advantages of Scrapbox in my company, so I wrote notes of what I would say (2017-09-15)
automatic saving.
When multiple people edit at the same time, the cursor appears like Google Docs and you can see everyone's edits #CollaborativeEdit
The difference between a blog and a wiki (Scrapbox) is that a blog has an established custom of not revising what has been written at a certain point in time (and when it is revised, the revised part
Human resources are finite, so old articles exist either way, but the psychological cost of trying to improve them is totally different.