Snapshot of flow
The KJ method is a constantly evolving technique, and its widespread recognition and dissemination will be achieved by recording snapshots of what is happening at any given point in time. However, its dissemination requires education and training, and specific methods and programs are needed for this purpose.
Evolving to incorporate technologies available at each point in time
ๆตใใฎในใใใใทใงใใ 2023-09-05 10:37 omni.icon
digest of notes.
The KJ method is an evolving technique that will be recognized and disseminated as snapshots of it are recorded. However, dissemination requires education and training, and specific methods and programs are needed.
Relation to Fragment.
Fragments "Weekly Notes 2023-01-13" and "KJ Method Study Group @ Loftwork" are related to the notes." In "Weekly Notes 2023-01-13," it is shown that with the spread of the KJ method came the idea that "we must do it right" and "we must have formal training," leading to the need for education and training in the notes. It also states that the "KJ Method Study Group @ Loftwork" will provide an in-depth study of specific methods and ideas, which is relevant to providing the specific methods and programs required by the Note.
Deep thoughts and opinions
Education and training are necessary to spread the KJ method, and specific methods and programs are needed to achieve this. However, it is difficult to define a "right way" in general, as each individual needs a method that fits his/her own personality and situation. Therefore, it is important for each individual to find a method that fits his or her own needs, and to share and exchange such methods.
title of thought.
"Diffusion and individual adaptability of the KJ method."
extra info
TITLES: ["๐KJ Method"],"๐ค๐KJ Method","๐ค๐KJ Method", "Exploring "Interesting" Net: a real example", "What you can do with new technology", "KJ Method Study Session @ Loftwork_Lecture Material v1", "Beyond KJ Method"]
generated: 2023-09-05 10:37
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