Scaling YC
Started 16 years ago with 8 cases
20th (twice a year, so 6 years ago, I guess) 100 cases.
Four years later, the number was 200.
That's where COVID19 came in and went online.
The number of cases increased to 300, but it worked out fine.
Why Scale Up?
There are thousands of online applications and hundreds of startups with potential.
In other words, I feel we're missing out on something that has potential even in its current state.nishio.icon
This is the same issue for unexplored junior
The value of the network will increase if more companies are accepted.
That would be true if the quality didn't go down with the expansion of scale.nishio.icon
For example, changing an event from a 2-day/1-night camp with 30 people to a 300-person event will not increase the network 10-fold.
If it's not done on a scale where everyone's face can be identified, it becomes "a place full of strangers. Cautiously expanding
Because when I led the development of Yahoo Mail, we increased the number of users too rapidly and failed.
What we did.
Maintain physical space to allow for events that bring everyone together
I think the all-hands-on-deck event is important too.nishio.icon
Split the program into smaller groups.
I would like to know more about that!nishio.icon
Is it about creating close relationships in smaller groups, but putting up a random edge at the overall event?
In-house production of software to help with operations by creating a development team
Integrates onboarding, alumni directory, wiki, advising catalog, demo day website, Slack and Zoom
In-house software also plays an important role in the adoption process
so that the adopting team can focus on the important issue of "who to choose from the large pool of applicants".
This idea was left out.nishio.icon
There is a feeling that the unexplored human resources who are volunteers are doing it on the fly, so there is a lack of continuous improvement and maintenance (unexplored junior staff).
I don't think the IPA's unexplored is run by engineers, so they can't even make it themselves.
It is interesting to increase the scalability of the business through software
More GROUP PARTNERS to advise
To do this, we created a visiting group partner program.
It's a temporary position, not an ongoing part of the team.
The most recent batch had 5 visiting group partners, and last year we promoted 3 to group partner.
This is for my "unexplored junior mentor".副担任制を導入したらどうか」という案で考えてたことに近いと思うnishio.icon To suddenly become a mentor with full responsibility from zero experience is a high psychological hurdle for both the person becoming the mentor and the person asking for help.
So, I think it would be good to have them get involved in a casual, peripheral position first, and then they can think about whether they want to become a mentor or not after they get a feel for the atmosphere.
COVID19 occurred when we were approaching the limits of physical space.
Full remote forced to do
Surprisingly, the largest ever
They ran more smoothly than any other batch.
As a result, the Unexplored IT results debriefing session also became a Scrapbox, and this year in 2022, the Boost Conference also became a Scrapbox!
It's a nice combination of synchronous and asynchronous, so it's no longer appropriate to call it a "chat".
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Scaling YC using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.