Reconciliation with tkgshn's criticism of Ken Suzuki
Reconciliation with tkgshn's criticism of Ken Suzuki
We have to implement the vision of our predecessors of a smooth society, and if we don't move our hands any further we have to let them cross over. 0xtkgshn "If the seniors don't move their hands any further, they will become authority, but we, as young people, have to dare intergenerational struggle with the pride of youth. We have to be young people with pride in our youth, and we are all aiming at the same thing. We can share the same time and be moved by it." 0xtkgshn Ken Suzuki is doing social implementation after PICSY? Is he busy with SmartNews? I can only find the old site unexplored, but is he done with the implementation? 0xtkgshn We made up! Thank you, I'll be sure to check it out!
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