Programs that make the subject matter larger
"I saw a tweet that said "the subject is large and you're more likely to get a response" and I thought "Okay, that's a useful human hack!" I thought, "But if I do that myself, people will think I'm a "subject is large" person and my reputation will go down, so I need to create a bot that automatically makes the subject large! I was joking about the "subject magnification filter", but I thought it was rather amusing lol.
I could have predicted that if you send a DM to a bot, it would tweet with a larger subject line, and that an angry person would DM a complaint without reading the explanation and it would also be tweeted with a larger subject line.
Yusuke Amano: In my English conversation lessons, I often used the expression "people are" by abusing "people" because I didn't have enough (the extent of) one's vocabulary, and the subject was too big. "Bots that increase subject matter or abstraction may be useful for Idea Support" -> "Bots that increase word size or abstraction may be useful for idea help." "I don't know if I can find high level concept..." -> "I don't know if I can find a higher level idea..." Output what you perceive through a filter
In NLP, expressions that are not specific, such as "who," "when," "where," "what," "specifically how," "compared to what," and "based on what," are called "deletions.
"Always," "Absolutely," "Everything."
2023-08-25 LLM could easily make this happen.
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