Consider what happens when combined
The number of overturns in the combined columns is obtained from their respective overturns and frequency tables ACLPC L. The maximum n when calculated alone before combining is 10^5.
what to do about it
Samples came through, but WA.
I also do TLEs.
Test if WA disappears by shifting 1
no good
The much was 10^9!
WA gone but 3 TLE
Inline deployment, if this doesn't work, don't.
It didn't work.
What more can you do?
Why is there 5 seconds to time out when it's 3 x 10^5 to begin with?
So 300,000 is no good, but 100,000 each is OK?
Still, 3 TLE.
I tried Cython, but no luck.
Should it be written in C++?
Official Explanation
Good policy.
It's not a good idea to use a phoenix tree to find the number of overturns every time the same column is used repeatedly.
The number of falls and frequency table should have been preprocessed.
The reason why the sum of column lengths is kept small is that it is not TLE to use a phoenix tree in preprocessing, but the intention is not to use it for every query because the query may choose only long columns.
def solve(K, seqs, Q, BS):
MOD = 10 ** 9
N = 20
invs = []
freqs = []
for i in range(K):
inv = 0
bit_add(a, 1)
inv += bit_sum(N) - bit_sum(a)
ret = 0
for b in BS:
for i in range(1, 21):
for j in range(i + 1, 21):
for i in range(1, 21):
ret %= MOD
return ret
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