Finally, a huge N problem.
Double the cumulative sum
Still, if the starting and ending points are free, the order of the square
Which should I do at the time of the equal?
When it's equal, the answer is zero, so you're done.
I went through it, so I'm good.
def solve(N, AS):
import sys
INF = sys.maxsize
from itertools import accumulate
acc = list(accumulate(AS + AS)) + 0 def rangeSum(start, end):
start = 0
end = 1
ret = INF
total = rangeSum(0, N)
while True:
x = rangeSum(start, end)
y = total - x
d = x - y
ret = min(abs(d), ret)
if d < 0:
if end == 2 * N - 1:
end += 1
start += 1
return ret
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