Given the previous value x, the probability of "succeeding in rolling that dice" is obtained for each dice
The smaller the eye, the higher the probability of success, but the lower the success rate of the next dice.
Dice are 3 x 10^4, eyes are 1.8 x 10^5, all different
Since x can only take the second value, it is sorted and calculated from the largest value.
For largest x, expected value is 0
Can be calculated with DP
A naive DP would be to find the one that maximizes the expected value out of all the dice, which is costly and exceeds 10^9.
Since all the eyes are different, there is only one dice that changes the "eye and x's size relationship" when x is reduced by one step.
And monotonous increase
Compare the dice with the largest expected value and the updated dice, and take the one with the larger expected value, which can be done in constant order.
This will get you there in time.
Official Explanation
The eyes can be sorted and reassigned to sequential numbers since only large and small eyes are used = coordinate compression. ---
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/PAST1O. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.