The problem of determining whether a is a descendant of b given a giant tree
O(NQ) when done naively.
If it's a balanced tree, it doesn't matter because it's on logarithmic order, but when it's very skewed, it's a problem.
I want to cache the calculation results, but naively caching the results will take up N^2 space, so it's no good
Cache unbranched paths?
No, there is a graph with N/2 branches followed by two branches.
Thought Branch A
Should I only cache when I'm biased?
Cache only points deeper than a certain level of pre-processing
No. You can make N/2 vertices deeper than N/2.
Thought Branch A
It would be nice if the determination of a later merge into a cached route could be done at a lower cost.
For example, tracing from a certain vertex to a root
At this time, the vertices traced in the array Ai for cache are recorded while incrementing
Writing cache number i in array B for finding a separate cache
After the second time, when tracing the parent, you can look at B to see if it's already cached in the constant order.
If it's already cached, we can look at the number of the target vertex in that cache and see the relationship between the number of the current vertex and the number of the target vertex, to see if it's ancestral or not.
The process of naively tracing a parent because it is not found in the cache can only happen at most N times.
Constant order after cache hit
PS: This method is not good for inputs that create a lot of fine caches, because the space calculation is too large.
Official Explanation
If lca(x, y) = x, then y is a descendant of x
Part of how to find the minimum common ancestor by doubling can be achieved.
First find the depth of each vertex, which is of linear order
Find 2^k parents ahead, linear order per k, logarithmic order for k values
Follow the deeper of the two given vertices to the parent and align the depths.
After this, a dichotomous search is needed to find the minimum common ancestor, but this time we only need to determine whether the shallower vertex is the minimum common ancestor or not.
another solution
Arrange vertices in order of destination
The vertices descended from a vertex are included in the interval starting at that vertex
If pos(x) < pos(y) <= end(x), then y is a descendant of x.
Constant Order
Change to 0-origin
Where a pointer is passed from each vertex to the parent, replace it with a pointer from the parent to the child
Find the depth of each vertex with DFS
Doubling to find 2^i vertices above
Find the depth difference d for each query and determine if the vertex d up from a matches b
def solve(N, PS, Q, QS):
# to 0-origin
from collections import defaultdict
children = defaultdict(list)
for i, p in enumerate(PS):
# calc depth
def visit(v):
# doubling
for _i in range(20):
for i in range(N):
for a, b in QS:
a -= 1
b -= 1
if d < 0:
# find d-th parent of a
p = a
for i in range(20):
if d % 2:
d //= 2
if p == b:
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