Since there is a transit point, find the distance from the Y intersection to the three points and choose the one with the smallest sum.
The cost is on the vertices, not on the edges, but we can just search from the least expensive one in the Dijkstra method sense. O(V^2logV), so we can make it in time.
Official Explanation
Construct a graph and use Dijkstra method to find one_to_all distances from three endpoints
This counts three intersections, so subtract two.
Answer the minimum cost of the Y-junction obtained
def solve(H, W, AS):
from collections import defaultdict
edges = defaultdict(dict)
for x in range(W):
for y in range(H):
pos = y * W + x
if x < W - 1:
if x > 0:
if y < H - 1:
if y > 0:
d1 = one_to_all(W - 1, H * W, edges)
d2 = one_to_all(W * (H - 1), H * W, edges)
d3 = one_to_all(W * H - 1, H * W, edges)
INF = 9223372036854775807
ret = INF
for x in range(W):
for y in range(H):
pos = y * W + x
if v < ret:
ret = v
return ret
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