Most people drop out between "wanting to" and "doing."
snake river gnoroli @49sick89hack
I think that 99% of people drop out of most things between the time they "want to do" and the time they "do" them. Therefore, I recommend you to think that "when you get to the point of 'execution' as a formality for now, it is the same as passing the qualifying round where the ratio of applicants is 100 times higher than that of applicants. The skillfulness is the next step.
It takes a certain amount of guts, determination, and humility to get one's hands dirty from a safe zone and abandon one's pride. I believe that if there is anything in the world that should be called "talent," it is something that shines through the mud like that, unexpectedly.
[1,000 people come up with the idea, 100 people start it, 10 people finish it, and 1 person makes it public.
There's a lot of variation in this one.
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