Bazaar and Club 2/15~.
nishio I'm reading more of "Bazaar and Clubs". Finally got to the bazaar and clubs. The transition from geertz's idea to roti's idea is interesting. I mean, from the point of view of someone who belongs to a club, it's obvious that the club exists and that he/she benefits from it, but observability varies from person to person. nishio Some people can look at a club analogy and think of three different clubs with different properties, such as this, that, and that. Huh?" There are those who think, "There is no such thing in this day and age. Even if they belong to the same community, whether they see it as a club or a bazaar is different. It's like psychological safety. shared belief. nishio If, in the end, whether a place is a club or a bazaar is attributed to an individual's subjective feeling, then the metaphor of describing it as an attribute of the "place" is mis It may be leading. nishio I finished reading the commentary part and read the full story. 2/18
nishio My head says I should go to bed, but I'm hotter than I thought I'd be when I wrote the sentences I thought I should write. I can't sleep because of writing, so I'm going to read "The Bazaar and the Club". Previously: the first time I tried to read only the parts that appeared in the translated paper and couldn't understand it, the second time I read from the commentary and was able to read the paper. Next time: pick up the key words. nishio Community , the almost windowless semantic monadic existence (monad), bourgeois liberal culture, the culture of increasing windows, and anti-anti-ethnocentrism are not blocking windows, "there is no philosophical basis for increasing windows". Drunkenness - artificial kidney problem, people on dialysis but not abstaining from alcohol, procedural justice. nishio procedural justice is a term derived from Rawls. "justification" in Vitalik's organization of legitimacy. I think it's acquisition by process. procedural justice-centered society, which takes place in the dark and has nothing to do with love? Check the original text, avoid the dilemma by not looking at it in detail, preferable to society, justice and love, justice alone is enough. nishio I read up to one block and got really sleepy, so I'm going to bed. nishio Read 2~ of Bazaar and Club on the train home. Bourgeois liberals] who have not yet moved to postmodern = still illuminism era, human nature, various rights, basic structure, superstructure, cultural, also particular cultural bias, paradox of self-reference, assumption of a boundary between "rational" and "cultural" , equality is a Western quirk, equality is a Western quirk. nishio Enlightenment rhetoric, rationalist theory of rationality, Bernard Williams, procedural justice, human equality, [local culture only, bazaar, procedural justice, clubs may be different, you don't have to be a member of the other club, pragmatic liberal institutions, just list the advantages. nishio I don't think this logic guarantees a single bazaar. Could there be a division that could occur such that there is a procedural justice that cannot agree to be mutually useful? Or is "procedural justice" a logic where that does not occur? I'll have to check Rolls on this one. nishio I tried to explain "liberal cramp" in my own words, but I couldn't, so you don't understand me. When you combine the Enlightenment idea that all men have reason with the idea that the idea that all men are equal or have human rights is founded on reason, you get a contradiction. nishio That is, when there is a "person who does not believe that all people are equal", then "that person is an inferior person who cannot reason" and contradicts "all people are equal"? Because it contradicts "all people are equal"? nishio I'm back home. Shall we put the resolution of the question on hold and finish the rest? the club shares the conception of the good. In other words, people can come to the bazaar who don't share it. From my point of view, they are evil, but procedural justice, which has nothing to do with good or evil, prevails. the exclusivity of the club, world order, inert liberals, unpleasant feelings (e.g. hatred, disgust, revulsion, fear), moral narcissism, betrayal of the Enlightenment. ---
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