Abstract and let the LLM solve it, then pull it back.
tokoroten the question of why a good diagram is created after writing a book. https://gyazo.com/604693c4a3409b054601396876aff2eb
tokoroten Well, I was reading the math guidelines and I found a very good diagram, so I'm just quoting it. https://gyazo.com/b848a9097f6f5c3d6aedc9814e50adae
nishio I don't think this cycle is PDCA or SECI, but I wonder if it has a name. https://gyazo.com/7437c0650ce551b78fcca507b299f23d
By the way, some people in the arithmetic-mathematical community call it "a circular diagram of mathematical activities" or something like that. w
tokoroten Finally got around to reading the original! Thank you.
The original was probably first published in WG #2 on January 22, 2016, so it looks like it was refined from there and became the final guideline form. It seems to have been refined from here to the final form of the Courses of Study. https://gyazo.com/772995976ee7cd33e9d0def8b9bb9594
nishio Excellent! Thank you very much! I'll add it to the summary later! relevance
In case you're wondering, there is a column in the book called "ChatGPT, Abstract and Concrete," and it talks about it in text, but it didn't make such a nice diagram.
That was a waste of time.
tokoroten The column in question contains sentences like this. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F4rv5d9bEAEOU11?format=png&name=900x900#.png
tokoroten By the way, in the column in question, when I wrote "The reason why Todai students are excellent is not only because they are excellent, but also because their friends are also excellent", it was edited out. I wrote "The reason why Todai students are excellent is not only because they are excellent, but also because their friends are also excellent. ---
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