About Life Strategies 2023-09-16
As for number two, "幸せの形は人それぞれだから別に他人がどうでもいいんじゃない?」という気持ち/villagepump/nishio.icon /villagepump/nishio.iconI feel like I want to hear about the happiness of Mr./villagepump/inajob.icon
desire for approval 以外の快楽にあまり興味がなく、その「承認欲求」も「多くの人に注目されたい」というタイプではないため比較的簡単に充足されてる感じ/villagepump/nishio.icon So I feel like I've never been too aware of it because I haven't felt "hunger". (*1) and others /villagepump/inajob.icon also forced to expand their desire for approval and made it that way.
In my case, "pleasure" seems to be mostly a need for approval.
Let's say we include things like the joy of accomplishment in the desire for approval.
I'm happy when I can test a hypothesis I had in mind, even if someone doesn't praise me for it.
But I think the "pleasure" part of this diagram could still use more resolution or a different structure that fits better./villagepump/inajob.icon
So you felt like, "Happiness comes in different forms..." I'm inclined to disagree with this figure too much.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/人生の攻略法について2023-09-16 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.