AI Summary: Copying answers is futile.
[Copying answers is futile.
claude.iconThis series of tweets points out the importance of the ability to abstract. In particular, the following points are emphasized
It is not useful to simply copy the answer, but it is important to learn the manner of solving and apply it to New Issue. Solving many problems is necessary to learn how to solve them. As a next best solution, it is useful to observe many problems and their solutions. [Parallel work" and "case studies" of MBAs and MOTs are useful for this purpose.
Knowledge exchange between organizations should be about abstract "[(key to) solution" knowledge, not raw information; we are not advocating violating NDAs or leaking trade secrets.
It is good if you can abstract your problem and discuss it with people. If ability to abstract is high, I can avoid NDAs and talk to people. Some have pointed out that the abstraction capability and ChatGPT are a good match. In other words, the message is that it is important not only to know the answer, but also to acquire a methodology for problem solving and the ability to abstract and apply it to new problems. As measures to achieve this, the report suggests observing many examples, abstracting one's own problems and consulting them, and utilizing AI.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/AIまとめ: 答えをコピーしても無益 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.