After worrying for a while, skip to E.
Worries, "What, you don't want this to be too broad in scope?" ← correct
I wrote it in a naive memoized recursive DP and sure enough TLE Even with a DP that fills in a loop from the smallest to the largest TLE But when you look at that code, you realize, "Oh, in essence, we just need to destroy this innermost loop.
A few cleaned up codes.
def solve(N, K, SS):
for pos in range(1, N):
ret = 0
for left, right in SS:
start = pos - right - 1
end = pos - left
ret %= MOD
return ret % MOD
I saw someone on Twitter saying that it was the "Imosu Act (fifth highest of the eight hereditary titles, later demoted to sixth highest of eight)", but I don't think so. I was not aware of that.
The problem that needs to be solved is that the part of the DP calculation that calculates the sum of a range is slow because it "adds up to a lot of numbers" when the range is large.
So, we create a separate array of "sums of numbers calculated so far".
This can be made by "adding the new value to the previous value".
Whenever a sum over a wide range is needed, it can be obtained by subtracting the cumulative sum before one of the range start points from the cumulative sum at the range end point.
Segment trees are faster than O(N), which computes the sum by looping, because the range sum is O(logN).
The cumulative sum used in this case is O(1), which is even faster
While cumulative sums can only contain values from the beginning, segment trees can contain values at any position. This flexibility is the only reason for the slowness.
In this case, since the DP was made from the beginning, there was no need to put it in an arbitrary position.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ABC179D. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.