http://nhiro.org.s3.amazonaws.com/d/4/d4c65ea9f8333dbc4644fc98994d934a.jpg https://gyazo.com/d4c65ea9f8333dbc4644fc98994d934a
(OCR text)
Inversion theorem(5tl EIH)
On this subject, there is the following fundamental result. It is intimately
related to the inversion properties of Laplace transforms. Its proof requires so-
phisticated analytical machinery and is omitted.
Theorem 1. Inversion theorem
(a) Suppose that Mx (s) is finite for all s in an interval of the form -a, a],
where a is a positive number. Then, Mx determines uniquely the CDF of
the random variable X.
(b) If Mx (s) My (s)
< 00, for all s e-a, a], where a is a positive number,
then the random variables X and Y have the same CDF
Its proof is omitted...
MIT (2008)