新しく作り出された用語が広まる際に、本来の意味や定義が弱まって伝わる現象。 (Kindle の位置No.5162)
One of the problems with building a jargon is that terms are vulnerable to losing their meaning, in a process of semantic diffusion
「ジャーゴンを作ることの問題の1つは、semantic diffusionというプロセスの中で単語が意味を失う脆弱性だ
Semantic diffusion occurs when you have a word that is coined a person or group, often with a pretty good definition, but then gets spread through the wider community in a way that weakens that definition.
「semantic diffusionは、人またはグループによって作られた新語が、かなりよい定義をしばしば持つが、より広いコミュニティに定義を弱める方法で広がって起こる」
例として「agile」「web 2.0」を挙げている
Agile has the agile manifesto, together with numerous books and articles by the authors of the manifesto.
I've run into people who think agile methods mean you shouldn't do any planning
Semantic diffusion is essentially a succession of Chinese whispers
a different group of people to the originators of a term start talking about it without being careful about following the original definition.
Semantic diffusion tends to coincide with hype phase of an idea.
Semantic diffusion is more likely to occur with things that are broad concepts rather than hard technologies.
Semantic diffusion is a painful process to watch, particularly for those who find the ideas useful.
結びの段落に but a good term is worth fighting for