The methodology for devising a transaction model as described in Section 2.2 essentially follows Vossen(1995).
The major credit for the (read/write) page model of transactions belongs to the 1998 Turing Award winner Jim Gray;
see, especially, Gray(1978, 1981) and Eswaran et al.(1976).
ここでは厳密にRead/Write modelが定義されている.
At the logical level, such classic situations as the “lost update” problem must be handled to insure that two concurrent transactions do not read the same value and then try to write back an incremented value.
System Rに関するGray, Eswaranらの論文は基本的に「Logical Levelでは全クエリをRead/Writeにコンパイルする」ことを前提としている,ので,このあたりが確かに major credit かもしれない. しかし,理論的な定式化はあきらかに不十分だ.
The page model transaction concept became the subject of intensive theoretical studies, in particular in the work of Christos Papadimitriou and, independently, Philip Bernstein et al. around 1980; see, for example, Papadimitriou(1979, 1986) as well as Bernstein et al.(1979, 1987).
Sec 2. Definitions and Notationで記述がある.
$ h = R1(x)R2W1(x, y)R3(x)W2(x, y) W3(y)
We can think of each transaction T~ as starting with an instantaneous reading of the
values in the variables m S(R,), performing a possibly lengthy local computation, and then
instantaneously recording the results in a different set S(W,) of variables. We do not look
into the details of the exact nature of the local computation.
現代まで残っているPage model notationがそのまま使われている.
Each transaction $ T_i can execute one read operation $ R_i and one write operation $ W_i.
We define two functions,
, writeset: $ \{T_i | i = 1, 2, ...\}\to 2^D, which specify, for each transaction, the portion of the database read and written.
ここでいう$ Dというのは,
A database $ D is a set of distinct data items $ \{x_1, ..., x_m\}.
The actual computation performed by a transaction can be quite complex and difficult to analyze.Therefore, it is common practice to ignore the exact nature of the computation and treat the computation as a collection of function symbols open to arbitarary interpretations.
これと同じような文章はConcurrency ControlのNotation/Definitionを行うほぼすべての論文で見る.
A log models the interleaved execution of a set of transactions. It corresponds to a "schedule" in 7 and a "history" in 11. A transaction is a sequence1: $ T = (( T, a_i , e_j))^n_{i=1}of n steps where T is the transaction name, a is the action at step i and ei is the entity acted upon at step i
という表記でトランザクションを扱っている.内容は2PLに関するもの. $ T_2 = ((T_2 , lock, e_k), (T_2 , read, e_k), (T_2 , write, e_k), (T_2 , unlock, e_k))
と表記される.つまり$ aにあたる action は自由であり,read/write stepのdefinitionがない.
11: 発見できず
Virtually all rigorous treatments of concurrency control use some form of the history model of executions.
From its external behavior, the process can be regarded as a sequence of read and write requests followed by a terminate request.
ここでdata operationとtermination operationにcomipleされることをハッキリ言っている.
Intermediate versions:
At each point in the running of a process, the concurrency control associates with certain entities, an intermediate version of that entity for that process. When a process is started, no entities have intermediate versions.
After the process performs a read or write request, the latest version it saw or created is its current intermediate version.
Granting a Write Request:
Make the version of the entity supplied by the process the intermediate version of that entity for that process.
Granting a Read Request:
(a) If it is the first request for that entity by that process, supply a valid version of that entity to that process, and make that version the intermediate version of that entity for that process.
The entity and its version is said to be part of the database substate seen by the running of the process.
(b) If it is not the first request for that entity by that process, supply the intermediate version of the requested entity to the process.