"To come" is a printing and journalism reference, commonly abbreviated to "TK". The abbreviation is used to mark where additional material will be added to a manuscript before publication.[1][2] It is used without periods.[3] "To come "は印刷やジャーナリズムの用語で、一般的には "TK "と略される。この略語は、出版前に原稿に追加資料が加えられる箇所を示すために使用される[1][2]。ピリオドなしで使用される[3]。
The use of the abbreviation is to prevent the phrase "to come" from being mistaken as a deliberate part of the text.
この略語の使用は、"to come "というフレーズが意図的なものであると誤解されるのを防ぐためである。
Since very few English words feature the letter combination TK, it is more easily searchable than TC. The abbreviation TK, as well as the repeated TKTK, is a "unique and visually arresting" string that is both easily seen in running text.[1] Therefore, TK is conducive to effective copyediting and proofing.