source: [ガチャピンがトライアルにチャレンジするGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 37598] noun
裁判, 公判, 審理; 〖形容詞的に〗裁判の
e.g. the newspaper accounts of the trial
e.g. the editor was summoned to stand trial for libel.
試し, 試験; 〖形容詞的に〗試験的な (!testに近いがtestの方が基準への適合を確かめる意味が強い) ; 試験, 試用期間 e.g. clinical trials must establish whether the new hip replacements are working.
⦅英⦆ (技量を競う)レース, 競技会; 予選(⦅米⦆ tryout) 〖通例~s〗 (動物の)レース, 競技会
e.g. horse trials.
〖a ~〗 «…にとって» やっかい, 迷惑な人 «to»
(心の強さが試される)試練, 苦難
⦅主に英⦆ 〈新製品など〉をテストする
e.g. all seeds are carefully trialed in a variety of growing conditions.
e.g. the pup trialed on Saturday.
being tried in a court of law.
the process of experimenting with various methods of doing something until one finds the most successful.