«…して» (興奮・喜び・感動・恐怖などで)ぞくぞく[どきどき, わくわく]すること «to do, of doing» ; スリル, ぞくぞくさせるもの
e.g. the thrill of jumping out of an airplane.
e.g. to ride a winner is always a thrill.
e.g. a thrill of excitement ran through her.
〘医〙 (呼吸器系の)異常振動音; 震顫(しんせん)〘筋肉などの震え〙.
⦅古⦆ 震え; (地面などの)震動; 脈拍
〈物・事が〉〈人〉をぞくぞく[どきどき, わくわく]させる, 感動[興奮]させる
e.g. his kiss thrilled and excited her
e.g. they were thrilled with the results
e.g. I'm thrilled to death
e.g. they were thrilled to pieces.
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖~ to [at] A〗 〈人・心が〉A〈物・事〉にぞくぞく[どきどき, わくわく]する, 感動[興奮]する
e.g. thrill to the magic of the world's greatest guitarist.
〈感情などが〉 «…に» ぞっと走る «through» .
e.g. the shock of alarm thrilled through her.
⦅文⦆ (興奮などで)震える
pleasure and excitement derived from seeking something desired, especially a sexual partner:
e.g. I was so lost in the thrill of the chase that I didn't realize we were entirely incompatible.
excitement and exhilaration, especially when derived from dangerous sports or entertainments:
e.g. audiences were in a mood for thrills and chills this weekend.