/icons/point.icon CONTRACT, SHRINK, CONDENSE, COMPRESS, CONSTRICT, DEFLATE mean to decrease in bulk or volume. CONTRACT applies to a drawing together of surfaces or particles or a reduction of area or length. e.g. caused her muscles to contract
SHRINK implies a contracting or a loss of material and stresses a falling short of original dimensions. e.g. the sweater will shrink when washed
CONDENSE implies a reducing of something homogeneous to greater compactness without significant loss of content. e.g. condense the essay into a paragraph
COMPRESS implies a pressing into a small compass and definite shape usually against resistance. e.g. compressed cotton into bales
CONSTRICT implies a tightening that reduces diameter. e.g. the throat is constricted by a tight collar
DEFLATE implies a contracting by reducing the internal pressure of contained air or gas. e.g. deflate the balloon
RECOIL implies a start or movement away through shock, fear, or disgust. e.g. recoiled at the suggestion of stealing
SHRINK suggests an instinctive recoil through sensitiveness, scrupulousness, or cowardice. e.g. shrank from the unpleasant truth
FLINCH implies a failure to endure pain or face something dangerous or frightening with resolution. e.g. faced her accusers without flinching
WINCE suggests a slight involuntary physical reaction (such as a start or recoiling). e.g. winced in pain
BLENCH implies fainthearted flinching. e.g. stood their ground without blenching
QUAIL suggests shrinking and cowering in fear. e.g. quailed before the apparition
source: [干物妹!うまるちゃんの土間うまるが帰宅早々縮むGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 634498] verb (past shrank | SHraNGk | ; past participle shrunk | SHrəNGk | or (especially as adjective) shrunken | ˈSHrəNGkən | ) …を減少させる
e.g. with object : the summer sun had shrunk and dried the wood
e.g. (as adjective shrinking) : the shrinking market has provoked a massive price war 〈量・価値が〉 «…に/…だけ» 減少する, 低下する, 〈規模が〉縮小する «to/by»
e.g. no object : the workforce has shrunk to less than a thousand.
(洗濯・熱などで)〈物が〉縮む, 小さくなる
e.g. a tiny shrunken face and enormous eyes.
with object (shrink something on) slip a metal tire or other fitting on to (something) while it is expanded with heat and allow it to tighten in place: e.g. the metal is unsuitable for shrinking onto wooden staves.
⦅文⦆ (恐くて) «…から» 尻込みする, 後ずさりする, ひるむ(back, away) «from»
e.g. she shrank away from him, covering her face
e.g. he shrank back against the wall.
shrink from: 〈難事・不快な事・義務など〉を避ける, 嫌がる (!Aは〖名詞〗〖動名〗; しばしば否定文で; ↑ 自動詞 3 ) e.g. I don't shrink from my responsibilities.
noun informal
e.g. you should see a shrink. from headshrinker.