/icons/point.icon VORACIOUS, GLUTTONOUS, RAVENOUS, RAPACIOUS mean excessively greedy. VORACIOUS applies especially to habitual gorging with food or drink. e.g. teenagers are often voracious eaters
GLUTTONOUS applies to one who delights in eating or acquiring things especially beyond the point of necessity or satiety. e.g. an admiral who was gluttonous for glory
e.g. a nation with a ravenous lust for territorial expansion
RAPACIOUS often suggests excessive and utterly selfish acquisitiveness or avarice. e.g. rapacious developers indifferent to environmental concerns
⦅かたく・非難して⦆ 〖通例名詞の前で〗強欲な, がつがつした〈人・行動〉; 略奪をほしいままにする
e.g. rapacious landlords.