source: [干物妹!うまるちゃんの土間うまるがポリポリケツを掻くGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 634516] noun usually in singular
(!具体例ではa ~; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う) 散らかっている, 汚らしい状態; 乱雑
e.g. she made a mess of the kitchen
e.g. my hair was a mess.
a thing or collection of things causing an untidy or dirty state: e.g. she replaced the jug and mopped up the mess.
〖a ~〗 (服装・髪などの)汚らしい人
e.g. I look a mess.
⦅主に英・くだけて⦆ (赤ちゃん・犬などの)排泄物, 糞
e.g. dog mess.
e.g. the economy is still in a terrible mess.
e.g. he needs treatment of some kind—he's a real mess.
まずそうな料理; ⦅英⦆ (猟犬などの)混合, 流動食; 1杯分の流動食.
e.g. a mess of mashed black beans and rice.
e.g. the sergeants' mess.
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ …を汚くする; …をめちゃめちゃにする(up).
e.g. you've messed up my beautiful carpet.
〈動物が〉散らかす; ⦅英⦆ 〈動物・人が〉粗相をする
e.g. they had some problems with dogs messing in the store.
e.g. he feared he would mess the bed.
2. no object, with adverbial take one's meals in a particular place or with a particular person, especially in an armed forces' mess: (軍の食堂で)食事をする
e.g. I messed at first with Harry, who was to become a lifelong friend
e.g. they messed together.
create a dirty or untidy state: all the eggs broke and made a mess.
ruin or spoil (something): he ends up making a mess of the story.
do (something) very badly or ineptly: leaders made a mess of dealing with the aftermath.
US informal cause someone to feel frustrated, anxious, or upset.
informal mishandle a situation: he singled out the health care fiasco as an example of how the government has messed up.
mess someone up
informal cause someone emotional or psychological problems: I was unhappy and really messed up.
US inflict violence or injury on someone: the wreck messed him up so much that he can't walk.
mess something up
informal cause something to be spoiled by inept handling: an error like that could easily mess up an entire day's work.
informal meddle or interfere with so as to spoil or cause trouble: stop messing with things you don't understand.
mess around/about
behave in a silly or playful way, especially so as to cause irritation.
spend time doing something in a pleasantly desultory way, with no definite purpose or serious intent: messing about in boats.
mess around/about with
interfere with: we don't want outsiders messing around with our schools.
informal engage in a sexual relationship with (someone, especially the partner of another person).