/icons/point.icon SAME, SELFSAME, VERY, IDENTICAL, EQUIVALENT, EQUAL mean not different or not differing from one another.
SAME may imply and SELFSAME always implies that the things under consideration are one thing and not two or more things. e.g. took the same route derived from the selfsame source
VERY, like SELFSAME, may imply identity, or, like SAME may imply likeness in kind. e.g. the very point I was trying to make
e.g. identical results
EQUIVALENT implies amounting to the same thing in worth or significance. e.g. two houses equivalent in market value
EQUAL implies being identical in value, magnitude, or some specified quality. e.g. equal shares in the business
〈別の物・事・人が〉 «…と» まったく同じの, そっくりそのままの, あらゆる点で一致する «to, with» ; «…の点で» 一致している, 同じである «in» (↔ different) (!sameより綿密な比較対照を意識した言い方) e.g. four girls in identical green outfits
e.g. the passage on the second floor was identical to the one below.
〖名詞の前で; the/this/that ~〗 (既知のものと)まったく同一の, まさにその〈物・人・事〉
e.g. she stole a suitcase from the identical station at which she had been arrested before.
e.g. an identical proposition.