HABIT, PRACTICE, USAGE, CUSTOM, WONT mean a way of acting fixed through repetition.
HABIT implies a doing unconsciously and often compulsively.
e.g. had a habit of tapping his fingers
noun Philosophy
the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.
VORACIOUS applies especially to habitual gorging with food or drink.
e.g. teenagers are often voracious eaters
1. an act or process of closing something, especially an institution, thoroughfare, or frontier, or of being closed:
(工場・学校などの)閉鎖; 閉店, 休業; (道路などの)一時的な閉鎖
e.g. hospitals that face closure
1. a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event: 行為や出来事の原因、説明、正当化
«事の/…の背後にある» 理由, わけ; 動機 «for, of/behind» (!ofはby reason of A, for reasons of Aなどの成句を除いて⦅まれ⦆ )
e.g. the minister resigned for personal reasons: その大臣は個人的な理由で辞任した。
The two came to the same conclusion.: 二人は同じ結論に達した。
come to the conclusion: 結論に達する
reach the conclusion: 結論に達する
arrive at the conclusion: 結論に達する
draw conclusions from: 〜から結論を引き出す
キオ氏 (kio9872): "a" percent indicates unknown
キオ氏 (kio9872): ill pay a percent of my rent = I will pay something between 1-100% of my rent
FICTITIOUS, FABULOUS, LEGENDARY, MYTHICAL, APOCRYPHAL mean having the nature of something imagined or invented.
FICTITIOUS implies fabrication and suggests artificiality or contrivance more than deliberate falsification or deception.
dis- + continue
STOP, CEASE, QUIT, DISCONTINUE, DESIST mean to suspend or cause to suspend activity.
STOP applies to action or progress or to what is operating or progressing and may imply suddenness or definiteness.
eternal + -ly
1. in a way that continues or lasts forever; permanently: 永遠に続く様子で; 永久的に
永遠に, 永久に
e.g. as submodifier : his eternally optimistic attitude: 彼の永遠に楽観的な態度
com- (expressing intensive force) + plere ‘fill’
complete: 「完全な」という意の最も一般的な語. 必要な物が一式揃っていること. また, 可能な範囲で最も程度が大きいこと. 肯定的な意味でも用いるが, 否定的な語を強調する際に好まれる
full: 量や程度が100パーセントの状態にあること. また, 詳細に富み, 数・量で完璧なこと
wrap up (also wrap someone up)
put on (or dress someone in) warm clothes: 暖かい衣服を着る、誰かに着せる
【暖かい衣服を】着込む «in» .
e.g. wrap up warm: 暖かく着込む
e.g. Tim was well wrapped up against the weather.: ティムはその天気に対抗してよく着込んでいた。
stand at
(stand at) be at (a particular level or value):
〖stand at A〗 〈等級・度合いなどが〉A〈数値〉である, Aに位する
e.g. the budget stood at $14 million per annum.
face value
1. (貨幣などの)額面価格.
2. 表向き[文字通り]の意味
take A at face value: A〈物・事〉を額面通りに受け取る.
noun (plural accuracies)
the quality or state of being correct or precise:
正確さ, 的確さ; (内容などが)間違いのないこと, 正確なこと(↔ inaccuracy)
e.g. we have confidence in the accuracy of the statistics
e.g. she hit the ball with great accuracy.
a- + gnositc(グノーシス主義: 自己の本質と真の神についての認識に到達することを求める思想傾向)
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor [disbelief
(of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse:
⦅かたく⦆ 〖名詞の前で〗難解な, 深遠な〈知識・情報・事実など〉; 世に知られていない
e.g. the book is full of recondite information.
semester: 2学期制
quarter: 4学期制
a period of three months, especially as a division of the duration of pregnancy.
〘医〙 (特に3期に分けた妊娠期間の)1期〘3か月〙
bossy1 |ˈbôsē, ˈbäsē|
adjective (bossier, bossiest) informal
fond of giving people orders; domineering:
⦅くだけた話・けなして⦆ 〈人などが〉あれこれ指図する, 偉そうな
e.g. she was bossy, scared of nobody, and full of vinegar.
con1 | kän | informal
verb (cons, conning, conned) with object
persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception:
〖~ A out of B〗 A〈人〉をだましてB〈金など〉を奪う; 〖~ A into B〗 A〈人〉をぺてんにかけてBさせる (!Bは〖名詞〗〖動名〗)
present, appearing, or found everywhere:
⦅かたく⦆ 〖通例名詞の前で〗(同時に)至る所に存在する, 遍在する; どこにでも現れる
e.g. his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family
e.g. cowboy hats are ubiquitous among the male singers.
ac-(ad-: to) + cord(heart)
1. with object give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition): (権力、地位、承認を)誰かに与える、許可する
〖~ A to B/B A〗 B〈人など〉にA〈地位・権利など〉をささげる, 与える(grant) (!しばしば受け身で)