〈物・事が〉 «…から/…へ» (徐々に)発達する, 発展する «from, out of/into» .
e.g. no object : the company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer
e.g. the Gothic style evolved steadily and naturally from the Romanesque
〈物・事が〉 «…から/…へ» (徐々に)発達する, 発展する «from, out of/into»
e.g. with object : each school must evolve its own way of working.
〘生物〙 «…から/…へ» (徐々に)進化する «from, out of/into»
e.g. no object : the populations are cut off from each other and evolve independently.
〘化〙 〈光・熱など〉を発する, 放出する
e.g. the energy evolved during this chemical change is transferred to water.
evolvement |əˈvälvmənt, ēˈvälvmənt, əˈvôlvmənt, ēˈvôlvmənt| noun ORIGIN