〖~ A into B〗 A〈人・物〉をB〈物・場所など〉にぎっしり詰める, 押し込む (!しばしば受け身で; intoのほかにonto, inも使われる)
e.g. the ashtray by the bed was crammed with cigarette butts.
〈人が〉〈場所・乗り物など〉に詰めかける, 押し寄せる; «…で» 〈場所〉をいっぱいにする «with» (→ 分詞crammed) e.g. it's amazing how you've managed to cram everyone in
e.g. figurative : he had crammed so much into his short life
e.g. he crammed the sandwiches into his mouth.
〈人が〉 【場所・乗り物などに】詰めかける, 押し寄せる «into» .
e.g. they all crammed into the car.
⦅くだけて⦆ 【試験などに向けて】詰め込み勉強をする «for»
e.g. lectures were called off so students could cram for finals.