source: [ハイタッチ無視|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 908899] adjective
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖通例be ~〗 «…から» 離れて, 遠ざかって; «…に» 無関心で; ⦅非難して⦆ «…に» (気取った感じで)冷淡で, よそよそしくて «from»
e.g. they were courteous but faintly aloof
e.g. an aloof and somewhat austere figure.
e.g. he stayed aloof from the bickering.
mid 16th century: from a-2 (expressing direction) + luff. The term was originally an adverb in nautical use, meaning ‘away and to windward!’, i.e. with the ship's head kept close to the wind away from a lee shore etc. towards which it might drift. From this arose the sense ‘at a distance’.