Though many attempts have been made in blind super-resolution to restore low-resolution images with unknown and complex degradations, they are still far from addressing general real-world degraded images.
In this work, we extend the powerful ESRGAN to a practical restoration application (namely, Real-ESRGAN), which is trained with pure synthetic data. 本研究では、強力なESRGANを、純粋な合成データを用いて学習させる実用的な復元アプリケーション(すなわちReal-ESRGAN)へと拡張する。
Specifically, a high-order degradation modeling process is introduced to better simulate complex real-world degradations. We also consider the common ringing and overshoot artifacts in the synthesis process. 具体的には、実世界の複雑な劣化をよりよくシミュレートするために、高次の劣化モデリング処理を導入する。また、合成プロセスにおいて、一般的なringing artifactとオーバーシュートのアーチファクトを考慮する。 In addition, we employ a U-Net discriminator with spectral normalization to increase discriminator capability and stabilize the training dynamics. さらに、識別能力を高め、学習ダイナミクスを安定化させるために、スペクトル正規化を伴うU-Net識別器を採用する。 Extensive comparisons have shown its superior visual performance than prior works on various real datasets. We also provide efficient implementations to synthesize training pairs on the fly.