Songs of the Ainu 2023 - Biratori
Biratori Ainu Culture Succession and Practice Group shares their sound of today at the Japan House London exhibit, Ainu Stories: Contemporary Lives by the Saru River, from 16 November 2023 – to 21 April 2024. Performed by Biratori Ainu Culture Succession and Practice Group on September 6th, 2023, Nick Luscombe of MSCTY made recordings, coordinated and directed by Nobuhiko Chiba (hawhawke), and produced by Yu Morishita of memu earth lab. This album follows the last release from the group by their elders 23 years ago from JVC World Sounds, Ainu no Uta (Song of the Ainu).
千葉伸彦さんのコーディネーションとディレクションのもと、平取アイヌ文化保存会によるアイヌの音を録音しました。JVC World Soundsに発表された同保存会による「アイヌのうた」は、23年前でした。