戦後映像芸術アーカイブ Postwar Japan Moving Image Archive
居田伊佐雄 大回顧展
『Far from the explosive form of fruit』1972/8mm/sound/8分
cyclo.(池田亮司)観たばかりだからかそれだけでもかなり楽しい。 ↑読み直してみて、音と映像の関係の感想、かなり怪しいなと…。観直して確かめたいけど観れない。
“There was a time when I was in a field bathed in sunlight, where the murmur of melted snow could be heard. I felt I had become sensation itself, and had a vivid sense of the sights and sounds surrounding me. That is the feeling I wanted to express. Using editing techniques such as turning right, turning left, moving from bottom to top, and varying the length of shots, I tried to build up a picture of the space around me. Although I spliced and edited the 8mm film on tape, there were many parts to edit, and deciding where to cut was the result of trial and error. Because of this, it cost more for the tape used for splicing than for the film and development.” (Isao Kota)
“If you have a lot of photographs of the same person, even if they were taken at different times or in different places, you can combine them through stop motion to make an animation of them moving. It's fun to make them move against their will, and the differences in the elements of each photograph create a kind of intensity. These were my hopes for this work, which I made after realising I had a large number of pictures of the same person. I used techniques like stop motion, reshooting, reshooting of reshooting, chemical discoloration and scrubbing off the emulsion.” (Isao Kota)
“Film is essentially a sequence of still photographs - one photograph is one frame of film. I imagine a single photograph placed on a desk. If I take a photograph of my mind as it is imagining this, I should be able to create a photograph of the photograph on the desk. If I take a photograph of my mind as it is imagining this, I will get a photograph of the photograph of the photograph on the desk. This was what I was thinking when I made the "The Dutchman's Photograph" on 8mm film in 1974, and because there were no limits to how far I could multiply its Russian doll structure, I remade it on 16mm film in 1976.” (Isao Kota)
“This film is assembled from a series of cuts conveying different moods. It is mostly composed of the simple action of seeing images alternately or in succession, such as of scissors cutting against each other, or of the blink of eyes peering through a magnifying glass. I thought of them as being like red, amber and green traffic lights.”
“Film images are projected when light is emitted from the projector lens and reaches the screen. The projector and the screen are connected by a beam of light. If you block this beam with a white board, images are projected onto it, and these images are a cross-section of the beam of light. The beam is like a Kintaro candy: you can intersect it at any point and the same images will appear. I wanted to make a film that was like staring at this cross-section of the beam of light - like staring at an image that, after being emitted from the projector, is in the process of floating toward the screen.”
March Members' Viewing: Isao Kota Part 2
Isao Kota, Echo (エコー) 1982, 9min, 16mm, sound, color
“I held my finger between the projector and the screen and filmed while touching the projected object with the shadow of my finger. It's like playing with shadow puppets. The shadow that was originally imprinted on the film and the shadow of the finger or hand held out in front of the projector are both filmed shadows, so they are hard to distinguish. But you can't help but trying to distinguish them somehow. The inclusion of shadows that were not originally there adds a subtle flavor of fiction. I wanted to create a work that allows you to experience the textures - the texture of the water and the frog in the image, and the texture of nature made up of light, shadow and particles.” (Isao Kota)
Isao Kota, Circuit Meter (回路計), 1983, 16min, 8mm, sound, color
Movies shot on high-sensitivity 8mm film have rough grain, and you can see this grain moving in like a haze on the screen. Oil paintings show the texture of oil paint, and watercolors show the texture of watercolor paint and paper. Movies show the texture of film, and the smaller the area of the film, the larger the grain seems, so its texture becomes more pronounced. The plane that takes off in the film gets smaller and smaller as it moves away, until it becomes smaller than the film grains themselves and is buried in the grains of the blue sky.
Isao Kota, Big Stone and Small Night (大きな石小さな夜), 1991, 13min, 8mm, silent, color
“I created this film using my favourite motifs and techniques - the surface tension of water, the image of night and time permeating the stone, vertical movement in space, and action cutting to transcend distance. I took my time with it, like bonsai or gardening as a hobby. I repeatedly made and remade it, and there were parts I was still unsure of, but I presented it anyway a year later. That's when the filmmaker Kanai Katsu spotted it. I had an idea based on what he pointed out to me, so I remade that part and the work took its final form. Maybe because I enjoyed making it, I'm fond of this work.” (Isao Kota)