Matthew Black, TingWei Liu, and Tony Cai
HTLCs Considered Harmful Slide Video by Dan Robinson Atomic swap
HTLC achieves atomic "swap" between pre-image and the locked state transition assuming ledger functionality
Therefore, HTLC realizes more general atomic swap by connecting to another atomic swap
Case 1: the off-chain asset is in real world (e.g. purchase at a cafe)
Connected atomic swap: a cup of coffee <-> pre-image
Atomicity based on human interaction (the merchant must verify the pre-image before giving the product)
nrryuya.icon > How about a purchase in e-commerce?
Case 2: the off-chain asset is an asset in another chain
Connected atomic swap: an asset (in another chain) <-> preimage
Based on another HTLC in the other chain (in a reverse direction)